Based on
the draft constitution of Kurdistan Region which will be submitted soon
to the regional parliament for approval, the compound name (Chaldean
Syriac Assyrian) is an issue of controversy.
The draft text reads:
people of the Kurdistan Region consists of Kurds, Turkmens, Arabs,
Chaldeans Syriacs Assyrians, Armenians and others who are citizens of
the Kurdistan Region" (Part I / core / article / 5 Principles ).
This is a modern designation
which does not belong to history, and does not imply our identity. I
cannot say that I am a Chaldean - Syriac Assyrian???
So, with all love and keenness
I give my proposal to adopt one of these names or another reasonable
name that can be proposed by others to maintain our unity:
My proposals are:
1-The name as set out in the
Federal Constitution: or to place a comma between them and so say the
Chaldean, and Syriac, and Assyrians.
2- The Arameans i.e. the
Chaldeans, the Syracs, and Assyrians. This is a scholarly naming that
has its geographical and linguistic roots!
3. Suraya: i.e. the Chaldeans,
the Syriacs and the Assyrians. This is a common naming spread on the
lips of the people?
My proposal is for discussion
and is intended to agree on a mutually acceptable name.
Louis Sako