ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East






Tom Harb

Secretary General     


Dec 20th, 2007


Washington DC, ILC News



 The International Lebanese Committee for the Implementation of UNSCR 1559, after having reviewed the circumstances surrounding the Terror assassination of Brigadier General Francois Hajj in Lebanon, after having analyzed the motives and assessed the obstruction of implementation of various related UN resolution declares the follow:


1. Brigadier General Francois Hajj was the chief operations commander in the Lebanese Army. He had coordinated the military operations aimed at interdicting and eliminating the Terrorist group Fatah al Islam, linked to Syrian intelligence. Hence, as a top Lebanese Army officer, Hajj has inflicted a blow to the Jihadi operations sponsored by the Syrian-Iranian "axis" in Lebanon.


2. Brigadier General Francois Hajj was tipped to become the next Commander of the Lebanese Army when and if current Commander Michel Sleiman would be elected as the next President of the Republic. Hajj would have been in charge of implementing UNSCR 1559, UNSCR 1701 and the other relevant resolutions on the military level. Since Hajj has shown his ability to be successful in deterring and defeating one terror organization, the forces of the "axis" projected that he would lead the future deployments of the Lebanese Army with the help of UNIFIL and other international forces to implement these resolutions. Hence the Syrian-Iranian "Terror axis" decided to eliminate him thus sending a message to the Lebanese Army, the future President and Governments and the United Nations that any attempt to implement resolution will be met with violence. 


3. Brigadier Francois Hajj was killed to preempt the implementation of UNSCR 1559. Therefore it is of the responsibility of the UN Security Council to direct its assets to investigate the murder and to bring the Terrorists to justice.


4. Therefore the Committee calls on UN authorities to investigate the security and paramilitary networks which operates in Lebanon outside the structure of the Lebanese Army and Security Forces and outside the UNIFIL. These networks are under the control of a main pro-Iranian and pro-Syrian organization called Hezbollah. This group calls itself the "resistance" and openly declares its possession of thousands of rockets, large militias, suicide bombers and intelligence services, all outside the supervision and control of the Lebanese state security and the UNIFIL. The assassination of Brigadier General Hajj must prompt investigations with this Terror network beginning by an investigation with the commander of these forces on Lebanese Territories, secretary general of Hezbollah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah.


The UN must act swiftly and promptly to address the Terror campaign in Lebanon before it strikes again. The Security Council has issued resolutions pertaining to this threat and thus it must defend these resolutions and protect those who are in charge of its implementation.


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