ArDO has the honour to interview one of the greatest activists for the
Lebanese cause.
By: Roni Doumit
ArDO will
have a series of interviews with personalities that have done things to
affect the positive political development in Lebanon.
Our guy today
is the Lebanese American engineer Tom Harb who during the latest years has
been heading many organizations with the common goal to have a future
Lebanon liberated from the many occupations.
Mr Tom is
among many organizations heading the World Maronite Union and one of the
starters of the World Council for the Cedar Revolution and the
International Lebanese committee for implementing the UNSCR 1559.
1. Mr Tom, do
you think that the 1559 is the only solution for Lebanon or
could the Hezbollah with allies have some better solution?
1559 was designed to highlights the major issues in Lebanon and get the
International community to be aware of those issues. Hoping that the
Lebanese government and the civil society will start working toward
solving these issues under the supervision of the UN. However 1559 didn't
have a mechanism for the implementation in case a resistance by certain
groups. Therefore, we have introduced a draft for a new UNSCR resolution
to be discussed at the UNSCR based on the world Council for the Cedar
revolution and the committee for 1559 after consultation with a vast
majority of the Lebanese people and governments.
2. Will Lebanon be safe if the resistance of Hezbollah was disarmed?
disarmament of Hezbollah will be a major step for Lebanon safety but need
to disarm the Palestinians inside and outside the camps as well as other
some radical militias in different parts of the country. However, by
disarming the largest and most sophisticated militia, disarming the rest
will be much easier.
3. Why did this war break up now and not at another time between 2000 and
Hezbollah kept pushing the button little by little. But at this time took
a full scale due to the following reasons:
Iran nuclear plan and the conflict with the international community.
Syria is under the microscope and the investigation by the UN for alleged
assassination of former Prime Minister Hariri.
Hezbollah under internal pressure to disarm.
Giving all above, the 3 groups met and decided in order to deflect the
attention some where else. Of course, Israel is the common enemy for those
3 parties and to the Arabs and Muslims in general.
4. Why do you think Hizbullah has such a great support among the Lebanese
inside Lebanon?
Hezbollah has been intimidating the people for so long, I disagree that
Hezbollah has a great support among the Lebanese inside Lebanon. What we
have read and been informed that the opposition to Hezbollah as follows:
80 % Christians, 80% Druze, 70% Sunnis, and 40% Shiites.
5. Tom, do you think that the Lebanese in general should mobilize more to
stop the Israeli attacks or to call for the disarmament of Hezbollah, in
these hard times of war?
Lebanese shall mobilize to clean their country from all terror, terrorism
has been infested through out. The Lebanese must rise up and tell
Hezbollah to stop destroying Lebanon and to give up whatever still have
from weapons and commit to the Lebanese authority.
6. Do you think we should start to think of next steps after a Hizbullah
Or is there a big chance that the Hizbullah era will stay in Lebanon and
Middle East?
International community is mobilized to disarm Hezbollah and move to the
next era, so the Lebanese must at least meet half way... Then move to the
next step after Hezbollah.
7. Can you see Syria entering the war together with Iran?
doesn't have much to enter the war, its weaponry is outdated...
Syrian regime will be committing suicide if they decide to enter the war,
unless they get pressured by the Iranians to pay up.
8. How should Israel tackle Hezbollah?
Hezbollah is not Israel problem only, it is the Lebanese, and the world
Israel might destroy the infrastructure for Hezbollah and leave the rest
to the International community for the clean up.
9. Do you have any plan for the implementation of the 1559 with low risks
the Lebanese society?
submitted a draft to the UNSCR members on Monday July 31, 2006. The draft
outlines all the points for the implementation of UNSCR 1559 and 1680.
10. Do you think that this war could have been avoided?
war is between Iran and the International community on the Lebanese soil.
However, if the traditional Lebanese politicians have not stopped the
Cedars revolution movement last year from going up to Baabda to remove
President Emile Lahoud, and then to the Parliament to remove Mr. Nabih
Berry, then it would have a chance to encircle Hezbollah and weaken his
it would have minimized the influence of Hezbollah of entering the Seniora
government which it has crippled its activities.
Thank you Mr Tom Harb, The Aramaic
democratic Organization consider you a member of the ArDO family and may
we together continue the struggle for a free, peaceful and pluralistic
Lebanon for all its ethnicities to live in. |