ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East

Abeer Nehme in Sweden


The Aramean maronite singer with the voice of an angel Abeer Nehme from the Aramean heaven held her 4 concerts in 4 different places around in Sweden. The first was in the Lebanese restaurant Al Meza in Hallonbergen In Stockholm, the second was in Gothenburg, the third in St Marys Syriac Orhtodox Church in Norrköping, and the last one was held in Hallunda in Stockholm in the Syriac Orhtodox Church of St Peter & Paul.

It was very amazing just to be there and listen to that voice from Heaven from God the Almighty in the Holy Aramaic language of our Lord Jesus Christ and of course our Aramean ancestors, the language which the Aramean Abgar dynasty of Urhoy (Edessa) spoke, and Mor Afrem was writing his mimre and madroshe in and so on. When you listened to her beautiful singing you felt like it was reaching your soul, and coursing through you veins.

We the Aramean Democratic Organization wish her good luck in her future career and to keep on with promoting the Aramean identity to all the Arameans in Lebanon.

by: The Aramean Democratic Organisation

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