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Should the coalition forces stay or withdraw from Iraq?

By Hamid J. Wasiti
25 August 2007

This article will assess whether it is essential for the coalition forces to stay or withdraw from Iraq?

The question is from Christina Stewart- my teacher in "writing"- Mission Australia, Canberra. 

In light of the social life of the Iraqi people and the circumstances of their sectarian and radical problems, particularly amongst the Kurds, Arab Sunni and the Shi'ites, I am compelled to answer that it is essential for the coalition forces to remain in Iraq.

It is my opinion, if the coalition withdraws, this will mostly result in widespread and serious trouble. Moreover, if the coalition forces withdraw from Iraq, A disaster will occur in the country, specifically between the Sunni and the Shi'ites, both who have a feeling of superiority towards one another's sect. In addition, Iraq neighboring countries as well as other countries in the Middle East which officially or unofficially a prejudiced in attitude will arise.

If that occurs, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen and other Sunni countries will join forces to support the Iraqi Sunni. At the same time, Iran will support the Iraqi Shi'ites, while the Kurdish people in Iraq will gather in their northern stronghold and protect each other in their region.

For all of these complex factors, it is indisputable that the coalition forces must stay in Iraq either forever, or to ensure a search for political compromise. Since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in April 2003, and in spite of the subsequent rule by Iraqi governments and the coalition forces, conditions in Iraq have been deteriorating. Yet it is not true that anyone will be able to make a timetable for the coalition forces to withdraw from Iraq unless those in power seek a way to protect these three main sides in Iraq, the Kurds, the Sunni and the Shi'ites. Otherwise civil war will flare up.

The truth of the problem in Iraq is that the minority of the Iraqi Arab Sunni want to be alone with power, as they were in Saddam Hussein's regime and previous governments, whether the Sunni can truly embrace the idea of a level playing field rather than dominance are the Shi'ites, is perhaps a matter of heart more than words. Likewise, the Kurdish in Iraq are hungry for money, in addition to expand their region incessantly.

For these reasons, the coalition forces should stay in Iraq.
For actually if they withdraw from Iraq, who will keep peace in Iraq and stop the fighting among the different groups; particularly between the Sunni and the Shi'ites?

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