welcomes the new
corporation between the
Lebanese Forces and Free
Patriotic Movement and
wants any president
candidate chosen by a
Christian majority to be
elected in Lebanon. |
September 2015, ArDO
Representative Roni
Doumit together with SDs
Julia Kronlid and Pavel
Gamov visited Lebanon.
During the political
tour we made we visited
the Chaldean bishop's
seat in Beirut's suburb
of Sabtiyye, which helps
vulnerable refugee
families in the area.
They conduct training,
distributing food,
mattresses, blankets etc
to all those in need who
turn to them, regardless
of religious
affiliation, mainly the
large group of Aramean
Christians who fled from
IS ravages of Mosul in
Iraq. The refugee center
is in great need of
We got a good impression
of their efforts and
when nearing Christmas,
we wish for our ArDO
members to participate
and contribute with
something extra.
Through your gift to us
you can contribute to a
Christmas package filled
with food and even some
Christmas presents for
Our local members are on
the ground and ensures
that packets are
delivered to those in
Here you can participate
and make a difference! |
Congratulations to all
the liberated Lebanese
state men from all races
and especially to the 3
Aramean Christians.
God bless
you all and keep you
strong against the
terror in the Middle
condemns the
latest jihadist
terrorist attacks in
Beirut and Paris.
We hope the west will
know that the war
against islamism can not
be won by weapons.
It is a war of
ideologies and we need
to win this. |
activist Mr. David Dag
was a dear guest among
our Aramean brothers and
sisters in Göteborg,
Sweden and held a very
apriciated seminar about
the Aramean identity in
history and present
time. |
ArDO is very sorry
for the loss of
Lavin Eskandar, one
of our fine Aramean
youth. Lavin showed
great courage and
has become a hero in
his town Trollhättan
and entire Sweden.
Lavin Eskandar gave
his life so that the
kids in the school
could live. We all
wish we can have one
Lavin in our
childrens schools.
God Bless your soul
our Aramean Eagle
Lavin Eskandar.
ArDO support the
Lebanese people in
their strife to
peacefully change
the current
corruption in the
ArDO is also aware
of the different attempts made by
parties who need to
destroy this
movement and take
the country into
We believe that the
¨tol3et ri7itkon¨
movement will be
wise and take the
right steps. Our
members and
supporters will join
any peaceful action
under the Lebanese
flag only.
May God Help Lebanon
and the Lebanese,
ArDO Media Group
ArDO congratulate
the Lebanese army on
its anniversary and
gives all its
support in the fight
against terrorism.
ArDO encourage the
army to take control
over all the
Lebanese territories
including the
Hezbollah security
areas and the armed
Palestinian camps.
The Lebanese armed
forces should work
more with the UN
forces to implement
UN resolution 1559
so that Lebanon can
be free from all
kind of illegal
ArDO calls on all the
Lebanese politicians to
stand together and
implement UN resolution
If that is impossible by
the current government
then they need to call
on the UN to assist,
even under chapter 7 if
If 1559 is implemented
then all weapons outside
the Lebanese army and
police will be taken and
only then we can start
to build a strong and an
open minded Country.
A country were its
Citizens can
democraticly choose
their leaders and the
system they like to live
in. |
ArDO represented by Mr. Hicham Younes had the
honour to attend the USEK Conference about Seyfo.
It is a great step taken in the USEK University in
Jounieh, Lebanon. We support that and hope that all universities and
institutions would do the same. |
ArDO can see the
troubles and problems
coming to Lebanon if
there will continue to
exist an armed party in
Lebanon controling most
of the countries
authorities. We in ArDO
call on the Lebanese
government and people to
act before it is too
We dont want to see any
war soon but the way
things are going in the
country will lead to a
war and then we can not
undo anything.
We must act now and if the
lebanese government is
not able to disarm all
lebanese and foreign
militias in the country
then we need help from
the UN to spread its
troops over all
territories and by force
the illigal arms. |
100 modern years of dark
time for the Middle
Eastern Christians From
Turkey to Egypt and Iraq
through Lebanon,
Palestinian territories
and Syria. The
Christians were and
still are being
massacred, persecuted,
kidnapped, forcibly
converted, evicted,
expelled, lived as
second and third class
citizens in the
countries they once
where lords over and its
indeginous people and
built it as the best
place to live in at that
Today more than ever the
Middle Eastern Christian
Arameans needs real
sollutions like
independence, autonomy
or at least federalism.
Only this way they would
be able to have a good
life were they can plan
and prepare for their
children. / Roni Doumit |
Återigen skriver
svenskar om konflikten
mellan Israel och
Palestinier som att
konflikten skulle
utspela sig i Småland
eller Uppland. Man har
inte känsla för hur
saker är på marken.
Hamas är en
terrororganisation som
Israel prövat flera
gånger och när man ger
ett finger vill den ha
hela handen.
Må Israel göra slut på
Hamas en gång för alla
(för palestiniernas
och sen på islamistiska
rörelser (för libanesers
skull). |
ArDO wishes to see great
changes in Lebanon
during 2014:
First a strong new
president who represents
the Christian's will.
2: 64 new parliament
members elected by the
votes of Christians.
3: Weapon-free lebanon
except with governmental
police and military
4: A federal system that
gives all regions the
right to control and
plan their destinies |
ArDO Asks the
Lebanese President
and Government and
Parliament why they
are not doing any
diplomatic steps to
solve the problems
with Israel and put
a road map to a
peace agreement with
its southern
neighbour. It is
time that we show
the world that peace
is made with
dialogue and not
ArDO calls the
International Community
to stop this game in
Lebanon played by the
different politicians.
Lebanon needs urgent
help to implement UN
resolution 1559 and this
is the only step that
will help the state to
get back on its feets
and start to function
like a normal democratic
state. |
ArDO urges the UN to
send troops to Lebanon
and disarm all non
lebanese organisations
under chapter seven. The
UN must help Lebanon to
implement UN resolution
1559 because it is only
with that we will start
to see any improvement
in the land of the
cedars, |
ArDO welcomes the
release of the Syrian
and Lebanese Nuns and
hope they can be back to
Maaloula soon to
practise their faith
ArDO also welcomes the
release of the Christian
Zahle Boy, Michel Saqr
and hopes that he will
be the last child that
get kidnap.
We urge the lebanese
police and Military to
spread their activities
across the entire state
and on all the borders. |
ArDO congratulates the
leader of the Mashriq
Party Mr. Rodrigue
Khoury for his victory
against terrorism.
We are glad that you
got back safely after
you and your Group being
hit by Islamists in
Tripoli in northern
ArDO wish the Mashreq
Party the best luck and
prosperity in 2014.
Aramean Democratic
Organisation |
The Aramaic Democratic
Organisation urges the
President of the
Republic of Lebanon Mr.
Michel Sleimen to take
actions towards stoping
the escalation of
violence in the country.
Actions must be made
today so that no new
militant Groups can be
born tomorow.
ArDO support the
President if he is
willing to make the
state stronger.
Lebanon can only be
strong if its army and
police are strong.
Since more than 40 years
Lebanon have been
accepting armed Groups
outside the Control of
the Lebanese parliament,
government and
It is time to stop this
bad habit and start to
really enter all the
areas and places that
until today are forbiden for
the state authorities.
The disarming of all
Lebanese and foreign
militias must start now.
The main militias are:
The shiite Hezballa,
Iranian Revolutionary
Guard and the Alawite
Arab Democratic Party.
The Sunni lebanese
Groups mainly in Tripoli
and Saida and parts of
the Bekaa.
The Palestinian Ahmad
Gibril Groups, the Abou
Mousa Group, the Abou
Nidal Group, Hamas,
Islamic Jihad and the
Fatah organisation.
Only then Lebanon can
declare itself an
independent State and
start to function like
most other countries. |
Syrian army will be
forced to enter parts of
Lebanon to fight
Islamist militants
striking it from
Lebanese territories.
same scenario was seen
in the past when Israel
was forced to do the
same to fight different
Palestinian and Arab
leftist groups fighting
it from Lebanese soil.
Back then the Lebanese
state was unable to
intervene and stop this
before it got too late
and we all know what
happend in Lebanon
during that period in
the 70s and 80s.
the Free Lebanese people
refuse to see our
country entering new
wars that are not ours,
the time of ¨others wars
on our soil¨ is behind
us and we will not let
it come again.
in Aramean Democratic
Organisation support and
encourage the Lebanese
army and the Lebanese
presidency to make all
efforts to stop this
scenario from repeating
itself in Lebanon, if
that needs a call for
help from the UN or Nato
we are ready to accept
It is time the Lebanese
lives through at least
one generation without
wars. |
Aramean Democratic
Organisation, ArDO
strongly supports the
Aramaic Camp held in the
Holy Land buy our
Brothers and Sisters in
the Aramaic Center. We
are very proud of you
and wishes you a great
time getting to know our
language and Culture
more and more. We like
to invite you at any
time you can come to
Sweden where we can be
able to show you more of
our Aramaic civilization
in the diaspora.
God Bless you and God
Bless our Aramaic
history and future.
Aramean Democratic
The Aramean Democratic
Organisation, ArDO
supports the Lebanese
army against all enemies
of a free Lebanon. The
army should continue its
heroic work against the
relatively small
islamist organisations
to cover the biggest islamist
organisation among them,
the iranian hezballa.
After that it should
clean Lebanon from all
palestinian militias and
jihadist groups. This is
the answer to Lebanons
problems today and this
is what we all wanted
when the UN resolution
1559 was made. |
ArDO congratulates the
Oriental Greek Orthodox
Church for its new
Patriarch and wishes him
all succes in leading
his Church towards a
better future and more
cooperation with other
Christians from other
May he be fair and brave
in his decisions. |
The Aramean Democratic
congratulates the
Maronites all over the
world in Saint Maroun
day, May the Aramean
Maronite people always
be in peace and
prosperity. |
ArDO congratulate the
Oriental Greek Orthodox
Church for its newly
elected Patriach Yohana
We Hope the new Head of
the Church will guide
its members in a wise
and brave way.
ArDO counts on the new
Patriarch to support the
groups that try to show
the right identity for
the people.
With strong Patriarchs
in the Middle East our
Aramaic people will be
stronger and more united
around one identity and
one goal. |
ArDO Remembers the Great
friend and Brother in
the Cause, Pierre Amin
Gemayel on the Annual
Day of Assasination. The
Strong Leader Kept on
Living Close to the
People Despite all the
Threats He Got. He was a
Great Aramean Maronite
Lebanese and ArDO will
Always have a Special
Place for him in its
Memory. |
Many Lebanese
governments in the last
20 years has been doing
plunder, ripoff, steal,
legalized mugging,
piracy, licensed theft,
cheat, snatch and
swindle. Still people
continue to support them
and accept that they
higher their already
high salaries when low
incomst lebanese
struggles every day to
survive. ArDO call the
people to rise and stop
supporting corruption in
the governing of the
country. |
ArDO congratulate the
Coptic people in the
World for the election
of the new blessed Pope
Teodoros. May the new
Pope unite the Copts and
be a strong voice in the
Egyptian Future so that
justice and equality can
prevail. |
The Aramean Democratic
Organization strongly
condemns the
assassination of Brig.
Gen. Wissam al Hassan in
Ashrafiyye. Every person
in Lebanon knows what
forces is it that have
full control over the
intelligence work in
The ones that cant stop
the revolution and
violence in Syria have
been trying to start
similar actions in
Lebanon. They have tried
all possible ways and
they will continue until
they win or loose
everything. ArDO call on
the Lebanese President
Mr. Michel Sleimen to
act fast and act hard.
When the government is
under Ayatollah and
Assad regime control the
President must act to
save the Lebanese people
from suffering a new war.
ArDO supports the
President of Lebanon in
any step he takes toward
that goal. |
A group from The Aramean
Democratic Organization
headed by its leader Mr.
Gabi Gallo had the honor
to participate in the
Christian mass held in
Gotenburg, Sweden for
the memory of Lebanon's
greatest President and
best leader of the
Christian Middle Eastern
resistance, the never
dying brother Bachir
Gemayel. ArDO met Nadim
Gemayel, the son of
Bachir and the
representative of the
Christian population in
the Lebanese Parliament.
ArDO and Mr. Nadim met
after the mass and
exchanged many ideas and
shared many goals to
reach the good life our
brothers and sisters in
Lebanon are dreaming of.
ArDO condemn the
barbaric acts of
islamist groups
in Egypt trying
to make Egypt's
Copts to abandon
Sinai with
threats and
attacks on their
properties. ArDO
call the new
President to
send special
troops to the
region with one
mission, the
protection of
the Christians. |
30 years since
the greatest
Middle Eastern
Christian leader
Bachir Gmayel
was assassinated.
3 days of a
blessed visit
from the head of
the largest
church on earth,
Pope Benedict
Both are great
men that wanted
and always want
Lebanon to be a
free country for
Christians so
they can play
the important
role of
spreading the
peace and
ideology across
the Middle East.
ArDO remembers
Bachir and
welcomes the
visit of the
Pope as a
salvation step
and a push in
the right
direction to
give the
Christians of
the Middle East
hopes of a free
future in our
lands. |
To All Our
Supporters, Join
us Now in Our
Facebook Group.
Join by
Entering: |
Lebanon is a
rich, democratic
and peace loving
country. Since
more than 30
years ago state
existens is
because of the
dilemma made by
Syrias late
president Hafez
al Assad to
control this
land, smal in
territory but
big in
geografical and
The syrian army
has for years
been practicing
war in the
playground. Now
they are using
all their
muscles on their
own population.
It is about time
the regime gives
up and let Syria
start to be
democratic and
peaceful as it
should. |
ArDO welcomes
the new law in
regarding the
banning of
smoking in
closed areas.
Even if we
disagree in many
issues with the
government but
this step is
still a good one.
ArDO encourage
all its members
to stop smoking
so we can have
healthy youth
and a bright
future. |
ArDO support all
efforts done by
the Lebanese
army to stop
violence in
Tripoli from
spreading to
entire Lebanon.
ArDO also calls
for the
disarmament of
all organized
and unorganized
groups in the
country |
ArDO calls out
to the regime in
Syria to stop
the bleeding of
Syria by
stepping down
and letting free
elections to
take place. Dont
do the same
misstakes you
did in Lebanon
resulting in 15
years of total
war with
results, such
Human Losses:
140 000 killed
300 000 injured
800 000
displaced or
forced to
relocate inside
the country
950 000
17 000 reported
Material losses:
145 000 homes
175 villages and
towns damaged
17 out of 33
dioceses damaged
or destroyed
30 % of the
Catholic schools
47 out of 376
Moslem places of
worship damaged
or destroyed
Leave power now
and let Syria
have the future
it deserve |
The Lebanese
should stop
letting terror
operate in the
country. Terror
such as iranian
Command, Popular
Front for the
Liberation of
Islamic Jihad,
Abou Nidal
Abou Mousa
Organisation and
a number of
different Sunni
ArDO support the
return of all
families in and
outsite the
country. We also
demand the
release of all
prisoners in
Syrian jails. |
Any political
party in Lebanon
that does not
believe in
should be
dissolved. |
ArDO encourage
all freedom
supporters in
Syria to send
letters and
faxes to the
President of the
Syrian Arab
Republic Mr.
Bachar al-Assad
telling him to
stop the
killings in
Syria by
stepping down
and letting new
people to take
over the power
in the country
by free
Damascus, Syrian
Arab Republic
Fax: 00963
113323410 |
It is time that
all ethnic
groups in the
Middle East get
to live in their
free independent
states. ArDO
will continue to
work toward a
free Aramean
state in the
Middle East, a
state for all
the Aramean
Christian groups
to feel home in. |
the Lebanese
Army Forces on
their day and
wishes them the
best in the
future in the
presence of
great dangers in
Lebanon and the
region. We stand
by you in all
your efforts to
clean Lebanon
from terrorists
with and without
arms. |
ArDO urges the
government to
because it has
failed to solve
the most
important issues
in the country
and make life easier for its
citizens. |
26 of Mars, some
of the Lebanese
Celebrated South
Lebanon getting
empty of its
Heroes and
letting Islamist
hezballa to Rule.
ArDO Call the
Lebanese State
to Bring back
the South
Lebanese Army
from Israel and
Give them back
their Lands in
South Lebanon. |
Aramean Democratic
congratulates the
Swedish Syrian
politician and dear
friend Mr. Abdulbaset
Seida for his election
as head of the Syrian
National Council. ArDO
wish Mr. Seida the best
in uniting the Syrian
opposition and adressing
the international
community convincing it
to stand by the Syrian
people. |
ArDO urges the Maronite
Patriarch to make a plan
putting an end to sale
of Christian land in
Lebanon. |
Quote Bachir
Lebanon is our homeland
and will remain a
homeland for Christians,
we want to continue to
Christen, to celebrate
our rites and
traditions, our faith
and our creed whenever
we wish.. Henceforth, we
refuse to live in any
dhimmitude!. |
a Federal Lebanon all
Groups can have the
Lebanon they Desire and
Dream of |
ArDO calls for an
Aramean state in its
historical land in the
Middle East. A state
open for all Arameans
around the world to
emigrate to. A state
where the Aramaic
language can once again
flourish and develop. |
Are Ready Today as We
Were Yesterday and as We
will Be Ready Tomorow
When Lebanon Calls Us to
Defend its Christianity
and Aramean Roots |
ArDO send its
condolences to the
Coptic people all around
the world for the lost
of Pope Shenouda the
The Pope played a great
role in the Egyptian
history and the life of
the Coptic people.
We all wish that God
will take care of his
Long Live the Coptic and
the Aramean Nation |
One year has passed
since the Syrian
Revolution started.
After one year of
violence and bloodshed
more than 8000 has been
killed, more than 20 000
injured and over 30 000
Syrians have become
refugees. ArDO call the
Syrian regime to invite
the various Syrian
opposition groups
outside Syria and work
out a plan how the top
persons in the regime
should leave the power
to new democratic
elected leaders. One
year of blood is enough. |
On the 7th anniversary
of the Cedars Revolution
ArDO is still supporting
the goals of the
revolution witch were
and always will be: The
full retreat of the Arab
Syrian army from Lebanon.
The full disarmament of
the various Palestinian
camps and various
Lebanese militias,
mainly the Iranian
Hezbollah. The spirit of
the Cedars Revolution
was pluralism in Lebanon
and this is how ArDO
view the future of
Lebanon. Pluralism
between its sects,
cultures, people and
identities. |
We congratulate the
lebanese people on the
independence day from
France 1943 but also wonder,
when will Lebanon be
independent from the
arab and syrian imperial
Lebanon should work
activly on liberating
the 3 km area of Shebaa
from Israel and the 460
km area in the Bekaa
from Syria.
Long Live Lebanon and
Long Live the Aramean
Lebanon |
To all the jews of the
world, We in the
Aramean Democratic
Organisation would like
to congratulate you on
the jewish new year,
Rosh Hashana to you all
Ivory Coast: More than
100 bodies found, says
More than 100 bodies
have been found in Ivory
Coast, the United
Nations has said, amid
the continuing conflict
between rivals for the
presidency in april
2011. The UN said the
bodies had been found in
the west of the country,
in apparent ethnic
ArDO calls for an
international court to
investigate all ethnic
crimes in Ivory Coast
The Aramean Democratic
congratulate the
southern people of Sudan
for their struggle and
achievement to establish
an independent state
that ensure human rights
to all its citizens.
ArDO wishes that more
people in the Middle
East would be able to
reach independence on
their historical lands.
Long Live the New
Republic of South Sudan
and Long Live the
Aramean Nation
ArDO Political Bureau |
i Mellanöstern behöver
är grunden för vilken
hållbar fred som helst i
Demokratiutvecklingen i
Mellanöstern står idag
på ett ben. Får den inte
hjälp från omvärlden kan
den lätt falla och gå
tillbaka men med lite
hjälp kan den få en
chans att bli stadig och
överleva. Östeuropa
genomgick denna
förvandling från
diktatur till demokrati
för 20 år sedan och nu
är det Mellanöstern och
Nordafrikas tur. Det är
dags att FN och de stora
makterna att ta sitt
ansvar och börjar agera
mer och prata mindre. FN
ska inte vara rädd för
att ingripa militärt när
ett folk reser sig mot
sin diktaturregim och
slåss för sitt liv helt
obeväpnat och fredligt.
Aramean Democratic
Organisation kallar till
en bred dialog i varje
land vars folk har fått
nog och börjat resa sig
för en hållbar
Arameisk Demokratiska
Media Group |
It is unacceptable that
the Lebanese regime send
back Syrian soldiers and
civilians seeking
shelter in Lebanon.
Lebanon must open its
northern border more and
work on helping the
Syrian people. The
Lebanese regime should
also stop the
Palestinians in the
south that tries to make
trouble between Lebanon
and Israel. Lebanon
should always seek for
peace and be able to
control all its
territories toward a
general peace.
ArDO Political Bureau
No Body wants to help
the Christians of the
Middle East.
The Choices given to our
people has always been 1
of 3:
1. Leave your Land
2. Become Muslim
3. Stay and live in
apartheid Every Day
Until You Die
The Aramean Democratic
Organization is Creating
History by declaring
those choices as
Unacceptable, ArDO calls
on all the free Arameans
in the Middle East and
the Free World to
Support any effort made
for an Independent
Aramean State for the
Aramean Nation
ArDO supports
the efforts made by the
new Maronite patriarch
Mor Bshara Raae to get
the maronite political
leaders together.
The meeting between the
4 biggest Maronite and
Christian parties was a
great step towards a
calmer sphere in the
Christian areas and can
reflect on the entire
Lebanese society.
ArDO Media Group |
The Federal system in
Lebanon is the best way
of ruling.
The Lebanese republic
can become:
The United States of
Lebanon |
2011 04 13
ArDO remembers the war
in Lebanon that fully
started on the 13th of
april 1975 with great
sorrow but also with
great pride.
Sorrow because many of
our brothers and sisters
had to give their lives
so that we can still
have a free country
called Lebanon.
Pride because those
brothers and sisters
that became martyrs did
it in a heroic way that
historians will write
about. When Lebanon
needed help the Aramean
Christians were first to
hear the call and stand
on the front to defend
everything pure that
this country stands for.
ArDO wish that no one
will have to see such
war again but makes sure
that whenever a danger
is getting closer
Lebanon we shall all be
ready to get to the
front and defend.
Long Live Free Lebanon
ArDO Media Group |
Aramean democratic
organisation, ArDO
Congratulates the new
Maronite Patriarch Mor
Bshara Raae for his
appointment as head of
the Maronite Syriac
All the Arameans in the
world can be proud and
look forward to a great
era with our new
ArDO would also like to
thank the great
patriarch Mor Nasrallah
Botros Sfeir for his
struggle to keep the
Christians strong in
Lebanon and the Middle
East between 1986 and
May God be with our
Patriarch and the entire
ArDO Media Group |
supports any Maronite
bishop elected as a
Patriarch as long as he
will work for keeping
the Christians of
Lebanon in Lebanon.
The new Patriarch should
know that he will be
seen not only as father
of the maronites but for
all the Middle Eastern
May God bless the
bishops gathering in
Bkerke to elect with
ArDO Media Group |
Aramean Democratic
Organisation, ArDO
supports all the free
Lebanese going to the
freedom/martyr square in
ArDO support the steps
taken to eliminate all
weapon in Lebanon
outside the state
Long Live the Free
Aramean and long live
Lebanon |
Happy St. Maroun's Day
to all Aramean brothers
and sisters of the
Maronite Church
More than 1,000 Muslim
protesters have stormed
a courthouse and burned
two churches in central
Java, Indonesia.
ArDO stands by all the
Christian Indonesian in
this hard times. ArDO
also calls on the
Indonesian authorities
to act fast and jail
those who attacked and
burned the churches. |
gives the greatest
condolences to all
Lebanese that lost their
relatives in the plane
crash over northern
May God be with their
souls and give comfort
to all who loved them
and will miss them.
ArDO Media Group |
salutes all our martyrs
in Damour.
The annual memory of the
Damour massacre which
occured on the 20th
january 1976 is coming
582 people were
butchered to death by
the palestinian
millitants and there
arab and lebanese
Women and children were
butchered and chopped
and cut into pieces.
20 000 of damours
inhabitants were forced
to flee as there town
was being destroyed and
looted by the PLO and
mercenries From lybia,
Syria ,Afganistan and so
on.The whole world
turned a blind eye in
ArDO call its supporters
to light a candle for
them and pray for them.
may God be with all our
Christian Aramean
martyrs |
- Any Lebanese indicted
by the international
criminal court "STL"
investigating the 2005 Assassination
of ex prime minister
Rafic Harriri, must be
excluded from the new
Lebanese Government.
- As soon as the
indictment is issued,
all suspect Lebanese
must step down right
away before the
international court
reaches a verdict.
- Any suspect in the 21
assassinations against
the Cedar Revolution M14
cannot hold neither
retain any official
Hizballa coalition has
once again forced the
Lebanese government to
collapse, ArDO support
any new government that
exclude any party
opposing to the UN
resolution 1559 and the
international tribunal.
ArDO Political Bureau |
welcomes the resignation
of the Tunisian
President Zinedin Ben
Ali and hope that the
tunisian people will be
able to form a fair
government and elect a
just president so that
freedom and equality can
ArDO Political Bureau |
We in the Aramean
Democratic Organization
gives our fully support
to the Lebanese minister
Boutros Harb in his
latest law proposal
regarding the stop of
Christian land selling
in Lebanon. We believe
this is a great step to
keep the Christians of
Lebanon in their towns
and villages and should
be adopted by most
parliament members.
ArDO Political Bureau
ArDO asks: When will the
western countries and
the Islamic regimes wake
up and start to protect
the world heritage
people of the Middle
Eastern Christians. |
Hezbollah, the Khamenei
armed militia inside
Lebanon, has paralyzed
Lebanon in order to
force the Lebanese
government to reject the
STL, the Iranian supreme
leader describes "as
null and void" any
ruling by STL!
The STL is approved by
the Lebanese elected
majority government &
parliament. The STL is
probing the 2005
assassination of former
premier Rafiq Hariri
along with 24 other
assassinations against
the Cedar Revolution |
No Middle Eastern
country should be able
to celebrate their
independence day as long
as the genocide against
the Aramean people and
the rest of the
Christians in Iraq are
being killed and driven
away from their homes
and historical places. |
The official Lebanon is
celebrating its
independence day today,
we in the Aramean
Democratic Organisation,
ArDO would like to see a
true independence from
all foreign troops and
militias. Israel still
occupy around 3km on the
southern border, Syria
is still occupying 460
km in the eastern
border, Palestinian
groups occupying 15
camps and Iranian
hezballa having armed
control over half of the
rest of Lebanon.
Long Live the
ArDO Political Bureau |
stands by all Lebanese
that chooses to live
under the Lebanese law
and be a part of the
international community.
ArDO support
the all UN resolutions,
the resolutions 1559 and
1701 to be implemented
all the way. |
The Aramean Democratic
Organisation, ArDO
support the possition
taken by Sami Gemayel
against some of the
Lebanese parties that
doesnt know what
democratic means.
The Lebanese parliament
members Sami and Nadim
gemayel belongs to the
old school of the
Lebanese resistance and
we support all their
steps toward a free and
independent Lebanon. |
are doing their best to
stop all democratic
process in Lebanon,
dont let them continue!
ArDO supports the peace
talks between Israel and
the Palestinian
Authority but any
agreement must take in
consideration the
interest of the
palestinian aramean
minorities. The identity
of the aramean
Christians must be
recognized in any future
palestinian state as one
of the national
identities of the state.
ArDO lights Candles for the
Aramean detainees and
prisoners of dignity and
freedom all over the world,
espacially in the Middle
A group of armed men
abducted a Chaldean
Christian man last night in
Kirkuk. Local sources told
AsiaNews that Yonan (Jonas )
Daniel Mammo, 50, was
closing his office in the
Almas neighbourhood when
three armed individuals got
out of a BMW and took him.
Mammo is married and has two
daughters. He is not a rich
man but works at an exchange
control office. After he was
abducted, he called his wife
by phone, saying that he had
been taken. Since then,
there have been no news from
him. Many believe he was
kidnapped for ransom. |
The Lebanese national
dialogue table, the Doha
agreement and the
Government policy
statement all agreed on the
National Tribunal, in
addition to 5 years of
Hezbollah and March 8
claiming to agree to the
Tribunal, when today
Hassan Nassrallah said
the tribunal is an
Israeli plan!!!
It seems again that
whenever Hizballa is not
happy it means more
problems for Lebanon. |
ArDO supports the UN
forces in Lebanon and
hope they can make the
job done no matter what
interior and regional
politicians tries to do.
The UN should be able to
stop any weapon
deliveries or other
suspected acts. |
The Aramean Democratic
Organization, ArDO
supports the resolution
to give the palestinian
refugees in Lebanon all
civil rights. In return
the palestinians must
turn their arms to the
Lebanese army and let
the Lebanese authorities
take control over the 12
civil camps and the large
numbers of military
camps around Beirut and
the border with Syria.
warns from any
action by the 8 of
march coalition to
end the lebanese
current government
March 8 reject the
main 3 points agreed
upon to form a unity
government. International
tribunal, UN
Resolutions and
Armed groups outside
government control
are under attack by
March 8 groups. This would not only
bring an end to the
current UNITY
government, this
would also terminate
the National
dialogue table, the
Doha agreement and
leave Lebanon an
open arena for the
many regional
disputes. ArDO Political
Bureau |
With great sadness
the Aramean
received the news of
the demise of Mr.
Alexander Alptakin,
the former chairman
of the European
Syriac Union.
We express our
warmest condolences
to his widow and
family and the
members of the
European Syriac
Union. May the Lord
bestow his mercy on
him and bless you
Aramean Democratic
Organization |
long as the Christian
parties in Lebanon are
devided there will be
organisations trying to
take advantage of our
people. Ain el remmene is a
Christian part of Beirut
that have been going
through some bad times
recently with several
attempts from the
Hizballa dominated
nearby areas to start
ArDO: The Aramean Democratic
Organisation, ArDO have
passed 500 members on
Facebook. Feel free to enter
Facebook and join us.
17 years ago, a great
Christian fighter was
kidnapped from his home
in Beirut. Botros
Khawand worked for the
Christian and the
nationalit Lebanese
during his life in the
Kataeb party and we call
on the Lebanese
authority to make all
efforts to find him and
bring him back, dead or
alive. It is the duty of
the Lebanese state. |
encourage 14 of March
coalition in Lebanon to
not include Hezballa in
the new government |
ArDO remembers the Great
Christian leader Bachir
Gemayel on the 27th
memorial day. May his martyrdom give
us peace in the future.
He died for the dream
and we will die to
realize that dream. |
Congratulates the
Lebanese people for
the independence of
1943 and wish that
the Arab
colonisation of our
Aramean identity
will come to an end.
We believe the
Christians of
Lebanon are Arameans.
by: ArDO Media Group |
congratulate the
Lebanese people and
hope the new
government will work
on making the life
of the people little
better. On the other
hand we would have
liked to see a
government free from
any armed militia.
Aramean Democratic
Organization: |
ArDO: April
13, 1975 - The
enemies of
Lebanon shot 4
civilians at the
front door of the
" Notre Dame De la
Deliverance" in Ain
El Remmaneh, East
The victims were:
Joseph Abu Assi,
Antoine Husseini,
Dib Assaf and Selman
Ibrahim Abou khater.
Today George Abou
Madi is continuing
their martyrdom. God
be with our martyrs. |
Mr. President of the
Lebanese Republic,
always we see the heroes
getting pushed aside and
the terrorists getting
glorified as heroes. why
dont you bring back the
heroes of the regular
south lebanese army that
have taken refugee in
Israel? we need our boys
back, they stood up for
Lebanon when Lebanon
needed them. they should
be welcomed as heroes