The World Council of the Cedars Revolution   

Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora  


26th October 2006 

Media Release

Response to Speaker Nabih Berri……..

Yes to a National Unity Government, but after Disarming Hezbollah…….

The anticipated initiative of the speaker shows, upon his return from his trip to Arab and International countries, that it has diminished to an invitation for conditional dialogue because the topic and the timing are sending messages of lack of confidence and acceptance, fearing the questions which will undoubtedly be presented before such a proposal can expect any reception.

As such, the World Council of the Cedars Revolution considers it an obligation to clarify the events impacting upon the people, emphasizing the following;

Firstly, that the invitation to form a National Unity Government is welcome always. But in view of Speaker Berri’s call for a new dialogue, the question needs to be asked, what happened to the previous dialogue sessions, which had stalled and which he assured would not take too long? And, what of the activities of the armed terrorist organizations who only serve the wellbeing of Iran and Syria? and by what logic do you entertain and accept their individual act of aggression and war which led to the destruction of the nation, the death of the people and devastation of the economy? Despite their previous dialogue.

Secondly, we, the World Council of the Cedars Revolution are in support of a national unity government, representing all the factions, but conditional upon the disarming of all the terrorist militias first, be they Lebanese or non Lebanese; and at the top of the list is Hezbollah, so that all will be equal and will be liberated from internal terrorism which is imposed by armed organizations whose objectives are to threaten self determination.

Thirdly, that the Lebanese Parliamentary Elections ought to take place before their scheduled term is a subject that is not entirely unacceptable, however, it is not possible to hold such an election under the threat of tens of thousands of rockets and arms deployed without surveillance or control, nor under the influence of the secretive hallal finance without accountability. It is not possible to hold early elections under the deployment and intimidation of the many thousands of Syrian Intelligence (Mukhabarat) and the Iranian National Guards whose ambitions represent at the very least the return of Syrian occupation and domination to take Lebanon back to becoming a field of internal conflict and destruction.

The concept of amending the parliamentary electoral law would probably enjoy strong support, but cannot possibly take place under the threat and hegemony of those who have shown themselves to be treacherous enemies of the sovereign, independent and democratically free people of Lebanon.


We direct our call to all those who are responsible with honorable intentions and to all who have paid a heavy price during their struggle in liberating Lebanon from the Syrian Tyranny, to be aware and alert as to what is taking place; and to forbid their desires and ambitions, to which at times they may feel that they have a justifiable claim, from allowing the greed of those who hunger for the destruction of our beloved nation Lebanon.

Further, we call on the people of Lebanon to stand strong in the face of the many challenges they face. We ask the Lebanese government to remain diligent and resolute and to fulfill its commitment to the protection of the people against any enemy, be they from within or without the country.

We also call on the United Nations Security Council to strengthen the capabilities of its international security force by the provision of its robust chapter 7 characteristics which in turn will hopefully provide the environment for genuine legislation and self determination.

Joseph p. Baini


Sydney Australia    


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