ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East

Simeon Assemani

Grand-nephew of the first and second Assemanis, b. 1752, in Tripoli, Syria; d. at Padua, Italy, 1821. He made his theological studies in Rome, and at the age of twenty-six visited Syria and Egypt. In 1778 he returned to Rome, and then went to Genoa, with the intention of going to America, but he was prevented. In 1785 he was appointed professor of Oriental languages at the seminary of Padua, and in 1807 was transferred to the University of the same city to fill the same chair. He had many admirers and friends, such as Cardinal Borgia, the founder of the Museo Borgiano at the College of the Propaganda, in Rome, the French Orientalist Silvestre de Sacy and others. His works are: (1) "Saggio storico sull' origine, culto, letteratura, e costumi degli Arabi avanti Maometto" (Padua, 1787) (2) "Museo Cufico Naniano, illustrato," in two parts (Padua, 1787-88) (3) "Catalogo dei codici manoscritti orientali della biblioteca Naniana," in two parts (Padua, 1787-92) (4) "Globus coelestis arabico-cuficus Veliterni musei Borgiani. . .illustratus, praemissa de Arabum astronomia dissertatione" (Padua, 1790) (5) "Se gli Arabi ebbero alcuna influenza sull' origine della poesia moderna in Europa?" (1807) (6) "Sopra le monete Arabe effigiate" (Padua, 1809). 

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