ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


المجلس الأمريكي للمنظمات اللبنانية


Founded in 1989 to serve the USA and Lebanon.


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Press Release

Information Center

Washington DC and Beirut

August 17, 2005

RE:  Gratitude Letter to Secretary of State Rice.

Washington, DC – The World Lebanese Cultural Union-North American Board extended a letter of gratitude to the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for her steadfast conviction, zeal and advocacy towards the shaping of foreign policy, specifically towards ensuring the total implementation of UNSCR 1559, which calls for the liberation of Lebanon, free of foreign forces and dictatorships.  

The WLCU North America Board, acknowledged the necessity in ensuring the total withdrawal of the Syrian presence in Lebanon, and in recognizing and calling for an end to Syria’s continuing influence and manipulation in Lebanon’s politics.  The Board addressed the fact that Syrian intelligence personnel continue their stronghold in Lebanon, specifically their infiltration within the Lebanese government and their manipulation of the Lebanese political arena.  The necessity of continued, detailed and unyielding pressure on Syria, in addition to the full and complete implementation of UNSCR 1559 was also focused on in order to permit democracy to prevail both in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East.  

Additionally, the Board appreciated Secretary Rice’s recognition of the right of the Lebanese people to self-governance, and the necessity of disarming all terrorist and militia groups in Lebanon. 

The WLCU North America Board reaffirmed its full commitment to the Bush Administration’s peace plan for the Middle East as a whole, and Lebanon in particular.

Joane Fakher


WLCU/North America

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