The World Council of the Cedars Revolution   

Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora  


Thursday 30th November 2006

Washington DC


-Aoun Is Providing Cover for the Enemy? Or Has He Become the Enemy?

- WCCR Calls on the People of Lebanon NOT to go to the Streets  behind Aoun and Nasrallah and to Ignore Lahoud.

Was he ever loyal to the full restoration of Lebanon’s Sovereignty? Or was he driven by personal ambition and a twisted agenda? These are some of the questions asked by many, including some of his former supporters and allies.

For fifteen years, Michel Aoun attacked, cursed, insulted and vowed retribution against the tyranny of the occupying enemy Syria and their terrorist militia in Lebanon, Hezbollah and their associate terrorists in Palestinian Camps, Islamic Jihad and Moslem fundamentalists.

For fifteen years Michel Aoun traveled the free world and the Lebanese Diaspora, playing on the emotions and honorable good will of Lebanon’s loyal sons and daughters, raising their hopes with speeches and promises of rebuilding a safe and sound Lebanon for their families and the future of their children.

For fifteen years, Michel Aoun played on the creditability of the Lebanese Diaspora to help him reach the world’s most powerful leaders, seeking their support for him to return in peace and safety to his supposedly beloved Lebanon so that he can continue the drive for an independent and democratically free Lebanon.  

All the above were his accusations of the enemy and his projected planning for total retribution and destruction of his enemies and undoubtedly his list of Lebanon’s enemies of the time. Although, General Aoun gives the impression that he was behind the UNSCR1559, but where in fact he readily acknowledges that he was NOT behind the UNSCR1559 which was instrumental in the withdrawal of the Syrian Army from Lebanon after 30 years of occupation.

Was he only negotiating for his safe return to Lebanon? Perhaps after his arrival in Lebanon he assessed that he will never be able to overpower the enemy in time for his anticipated acceptance of the Lebanese presidency. Perhaps he assessed that retreat is the better part of valor; and given that the best part of his productive years and life are now behind him, if he still coveted the Presidency, perhaps it was better to work with the enemy instead of working with his loyal supporters and the people who had trusted him.

Is it possible that the Michel Aoun who spent fifteen years in Paris, planning the downfall of his enemies Syria and Hezbollah, has today betrayed his people to become his enemy’s puppet and perceived protector?

Can Michel Aoun truly look his Christian constituents in the eyes and tell them that he is doing all of this for their benefit?

For every reasonably intelligent person in Lebanon knows that if Hezbollah were to hold a Street protest in order to bring down the democratically elected government of Fouad Siniora, the whole world would rise in arms against them.

So, in order to provide cover for Hezbollah, Syria and Iran, Michel Aoun, the self declared champion of the Christian Community and the newly acquired Syrian weapon in Lebanon, will on Friday, set out on a street protest, supported by Syrians, Palestinians and Iranians, designed deliberately to divide his Christian base and set the nation on the path of civil war.

He has forgone all the powerful support of the intellectual, political, diplomatic and business communities who have already abandoned him because of his blind and self serving ambition. He does however enjoy and relies heavily on the support of an unconstitutional president who is the laughing stock of the whole world, a man who is regarded by world leaders to be totally bankrupt of any character, with little or no credibility and absolutely no trust.

How low can a president bring down the image of his country and people? Yet he has the audacity to attempt to bring down the democratically elected government of Fouad Siniora, in order to delay or avoid the establishment of an International Court to deal with the assassinations of anti Syrian political leaders who had served their country with loyalty and honor.

The president of the nation whose main charter is to unite and strengthen his people, generate cohesiveness amongst his people and be the source of character and honor for his people, is today calling on the public service of his country not to obey the instructions of the duly elected and sworn Fouad Siniora government.

Once again we call on the UNSC to urgently mandate Chapter 7, within the framework of UNSCR1701 for the safety and protection of the democratically elected Government and the freedom loving people of Lebanon.

It would seem that madness is the supreme ruler in Lebanon today.

The WCCR sends this all out alert to all other political leaders of the Cedars Revolution, Beware that the disease which has beset a one time perceived to be a great leader of the Revolution,  Michel Aoun, might be contagious and spread to other leaders of this noble Revolution. It would certainly spell the end of democracy and freedom in Lebanon.

For and on behalf of the World Council of the Cedars Revolution.


Joseph P Baini                  


Dr Rachid Rahme              Secretary General                                                                                 Lebanon

Eng. Tom Harb                 International Committee UNSCR 1559                                                          USA

Col. Charbel Barakat        Intelligence and Security Director                                                            Canada

Eng. Toni Nissi                   UNSCR 1559 Coordinator                                                                      Lebanon 

Dr Anis Karam                  President World Lebanese Cultural Union WLCU                                          USA

Eng. Fadi Bark                Secretary General World Lebanese Cultural Union                                         USA

Attorney John Hajjar        Chairman International Relations WLCU                                                        USA

Attorney Claudia Chater   Legal Advisor UNSCR 1559                                                                          Brazil

Attorney Joanne Fakhre   President North American Continent WLCU                                                   USA

Kamal El Batal                 WCCR Human Rights Officer                                                                    Lebanon

Joseph Saouk                  WCCR  Officer                                                                                           Sweden

Roni Doumit                     WCCR Coordinator                                                                                     Europe 

Joseph Sokhen                 UNSCR 1559 Officer                                                                                 Lebanon

George Chaya                  Media Coordinator, UNSCR 1559 Officer                                                Argentina

Snr Eng. Eblan Farris        WCCR Communications Director                                                                   USA

Sami Khoury                      Former Consul General of Lebanon                                                       Ecuador 

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