The World Council of the Cedars Revolution  

WCCR calls for resistance against Hezbollah terror       

Written by WCCR    

Saturday, 10 May 2008 

 WCCR calls for resistance against Hezbollah terror Washington, Sydney, Brussels, New York

 After the Terrorist attacks waged by Hezbollah in Beirut, and in view of the inaction of the Lebanese Army, allowing terrorists to aggress Lebanon's civil society, the WCCR declares the following:

 1. General Michel Sleiman, the commander of the Lebanese Army seems more interested in his bid for the Presidency then in protecting the Lebanese People from Hezbollah. We therefore declare that General Sleiman is not fit for a candidacy for the Presidence of the Lebanese Republic. We call for an investigation of the Commander of the Lebanese Army and those officers who allowed Hezbollah to terrorize the Lebanese people.

 2. We call on the brave and honorable Lebanese officers and soldiers to perform their duty in the defense of the homeland and its population in any area where citizens are assaulted by the Terrorists.

 3. We consider Lebanon's Prime Minister Fuad Saniora, MPs Walid Jumblat and Saad Hariri as under house arrest under the mercy of the Terrorists and we call on friendly and allies country to free them

 4. We call on the Lebanese people in all regions to resist the Hezbollah terror and occupation by all legitimate means possible.

 5. We call on the Seniora Government to officially request the intervention of the Unted Nations to protect the peace and security of the Lebanese People under Chapter 7.

 6. We call on the Lebanese Diaspora to mobilize all its resources to counter the Terror war waged by Hezbollah against Lebanon.

 Joe Baini, President WCCR

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