Syrian Revolution News Round-up
ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية
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Syrian Revolution News Round-up
ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية
Day 331: Wednesday, 8 Feb 2012
اليوم ۳۳١: الأربعاء، ۸ فبراير/شباط
Accuse the Regime of
Committing Massacres in HomsAlawites
Entire houses wrecked in the Bab Amr
neighbourhood of Homs from the ongoing
random shelling
Top Stories
An Alawite group from Homs
accused the Assad regime of committing
massacres in the city as Assad’s militiamen
detained three families and slaughtered them
with knives
At least 117 were killed,
including 21 children; 18 of them were
newborn babies who died after electricity
was cut off the hospital.
Zabadani and Madaya continue
to be subjected to heavy shelling from
tanks, heavy artillery, and rockets, while
the regime is yet unable to break the lines
of the revolutionaries.
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Baba Amr, Homs: Pulling out mutilated
corpses from the ruins of their destroyed
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Failoun, Idlib: Lifeless body of fallen
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Summary of Events
An Alawite group from Homs issued a statement
accusing the Assad regime of committing
massacres in the city of Homs. This comes after
the regime escalated its violence level by
executing entire families in the Sabil
neighbourhood. While three families were trying
to escape their houses during the shelling,
Assad’s militiamen detained them and slaughtered
them with knives in front of their houses.
At least 117 were killed today; most fell in
Homs, including 21 children and 6 women.
Eighteen newborn babies were demised after
electricity was cut off the hospitals where
their incubators were located. The search
continues for other victims died under the
rubbles of the collapsed houses.
A military campaign on the suburb of Daraa was
launched, as the towns of Tesil and Tafas were
shelled and raided by tanks and militiamen.
Meanwhile, the Damascus suburbs of Zabadani and
Madaya continue to be subjected to heavy
shelling by tanks, artillery, and rockets. The
regime is still unable to gain access to these
cities despite the ongoing siege that led to
deterioration of humanitarian conditions.