SNC Calls for International Protection, France Criticizes UNSC’s Apathy
To Syria Crisis
Wednesday, 9 Nov 2011

Detailed Map of Homs showing protest
intensity and locations of military operations
Top Stories
SNC President Burhan Ghalioun expressed
concern regarding thirteen documented kidnappings of Syrian
dissidents in Lebanon.
Lebanese Prime Minister Michelle
Suleiman said that Syria expressed regret for the unintentional
violation of Lebanese sovereignty, and has promised not to reiterate.
French ambassador to the UN criticized
the apathy and indifference some members of the UNSC demonstrated
regarding the Syrian crisis.
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ummary of Events
SNC President Burhan Ghalioun expressed concern regarding thirteen
documented kidnappings of Syrian dissidents in Lebanon. Ghalion added
that Lebanon should honor its obligation and responsibility to protect
all civilians on its territories. On the other hand, Lebanese Prime
Minister Michelle Suleiman said that Syria expressed regret for the
unintentional violation of Lebanese sovereignty, and has promised not to
reiterate. Syrian army units have been trespassing into Lebanese
territories and conducting military operations against Syrians on
Lebanese lands.
Internationally, the French ambassador to the UN criticized the apathy
and indifference some members of the UNSC demonstrated regarding the
Syrian crisis. The French Ambassador added that the UNSC has abandoned
its responsibilities. On the other hand, the US ambassador to the UN
said that despite the Russian Chinese veto, the Syrian issue will remain
on the UNSC table until a decision is taken, while the US Assistant
Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffery Feltman said that
most Arab leaders have offered Assad asylum as an incentive to leave
Syria, as most Arab leaders believe the Assad rule has no future and
will end soon. Feltman added that US Ambassador to Damascus Robert Ford
will be returning to Syria to resume his activities soon.
In Syria, security forces killed at least 27 civilians in Homs, Damascus,
Hama, Idlib and Bukamal, as the regime continues to fire on the daily
demonstrations that go out calling for toppling the regime.
In Homs, security forces opened fire on the residential areas in the
neighborhoods of Bab Sbaa, Marraija, Kafraya, Jorat Arayes, Jobar, Tal
al-Shour; and the city of Talbisa. Security forces also raided the
neighborhoods of Shammas, Karm Zaytoun, Jab Jandali, Adawiya, Bab Draib,
Khaldiya, and Bayada, after besieging them. Following, security forces
dispatched Assad militiamen on a house-to-house search mission that
included many acts of sabotage, theft, and random arrests – under the
cover of heavy fire, to forbid people from leaving their houses. Many
houses were occupied as forward operation bases, and many commercial
shops were robbed. Many new checkpoints were also added to the city,
adding to the amount of checkpoints civilians have to bribe to get
The general strike by workers of the Hasya Industrial City’s entered its
fifth day, the hunger strike by detainees in the Central Prison in Homs
entered its fifth day as well, while the hunger strike by the Abbasside
stadium detainees in Damascus entered its fourth day. As usual, night
demonstrations went out in the neighborhoods, of Karm Zaytoun, Der Balba,
Bayada, Khaldiya, Inshaat, Ghouta, Hamra, Jorat Shayah, Qarabees, Karm
Shami, Qusoor, and Waar; and the cities and towns of Qaseer, Palmyra,
and Maheen.