EU Asks
Assad to Step Down And His Mercenaries Are Dumping Corpses
in The Sea

Digital billboard in a demonstration in Idlib: "Pro-Assad
demonstrators were forced to go out"
Top Stories
The European Union Foreign Ministers called on Assad to
step down.
Lebanese MP declared that the Syrian Embassy in Beirut
has been involved in the kidnapping of Syrian dissidents
from Lebanon and a Syrian-American was charged with
spying on protesters in America for the Syrian
Intelligence agency.
Assad regime is dumping victims they kill in the
Mediterranean sea.
Today’s Top Videos
Assad’s forces kill a man and a 9 months old baby girl
while shelling their home in
Der Balba, Homs
A Colonel in the Syrian Air Force
declares his defection
Sounds of Machinegun fire and artillery shelling
civilians in
Der Balba, Homs
Support for SNC on the Ground
Qarra, Damascus
Suburb: Student demonstrators send their gratitude to
the free government of Libya for recognizing the SNC
Taybet Al-Imam, Hama:
A little child holds a sign confirming the SNC as her
legitimate representative and not Assad
Qadam, Damascus:
Demonstrators take to the streets in support of the SNC
and in condemnation of Assad’s support rally
Today’s Summary of Events
Foreign Ministers of the European Union called upon Assad to
step down after the conclusion of their meeting in
Luxemburg. They said Assad must step down to allow power
transfer, and added that Assad’s security crackdown on
demonstrators might reach the levels of crimes against
humanity. The EU Foreign Ministers also welcomed the
formation of the Syrian National Council (SNC) a day after
the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem warned nations
worldwide of the repercussions of recognizing the SNC. The
Foreign Ministers further went on to express their
disappointment of the UNSC’s failure to issue a resolution
condemning the Assad regime’s atrocities, and are in
deliberations for a new round of sanctions against Assad
regime figures.
More data concerning the Syrian Embassies’ involvement in
targeting Syrian dissidents have surfaced, as Lebanese MP
Sami al-Jamil declared that the Syrian Embassy in Beirut has
been involved in the kidnapping of Syrian dissidents from
Lebanon, where Shibli al-Aysami and three brothers of the
Jasem family have been kidnapped from Eastern Beirut by
Assad’s security forces. The Mikati-led government, formed
with a majority of Hezbollah’s coalition, had been
supporting the Assad regime regularly despite violations
against Lebanon’s sovereignty. The violations were repeated
again today when a Syrian army unit broke into Lebanese
territories by crossing the Wadi Anjar barricade.
Furthermore, Amnesty International published a report
earlier this month condemning the Assad regime’s
intimidation and targeting of Syrian dissidents abroad. The
most recent incident to be reported involved a Syrian
American in the state of Virginia in the US, who was charged
by the District Attorney –in cooperation with the FBI— for
acting as an unregistered agent of Syrian government and
spying on Syrian protestors in America. Muhammad Anas
Haitham Suwaid was accused of spying on dissidents for the
Syrian Intelligence through the Syrian Embassy for the
purpose of targeting their families in Syria.
In the meantime, the Assad regime gathered thousands in a
demonstration downtown Damascus to chant support for itself
and to denounce the SNC. The regime has imposed
participation on public employees and on many private sector
employees, such as those working for Syria’s biggest GSM
provider, Syriatel. Anti-Assad demonstrations responded by
protesting in Qadam and Kafarsouseh in Damascus, Irbeen,
Tal, Zamalka, Kafarbatna, Douma, and Saqba in Damascus
suburbs, Ibdeeta, Jabl Zawiya, Sermin, and Saraqeb in Idlib,
Teebat al-Imam, Latamna, and Hama central in Hama, the towns
of Mare and Izaz, and the suburbs of Sabil, Marraija, and
new Aleppo in Aleppo, Deir Azzour, Quriya and Boukamal,
Soura, Ihsem, and Deraa central, where soldiers defected to
defend demonstrators from security forces. Security forces
have also invaded the villages of Qureen, Kafarnajd, Badriya,
and Falyon in Jabal Zawiya in Idlib.
In Homs, checkpoints and military bases for security forces
and Assad militias randomly opened fire in residential areas
of Qosur, Bab Sbaa, Bab Draib, Hai Ashira, Nazhin, Baba Amr,
Joorat Arayes, the besieged neighbourhoods of Khaldiya,
Bayada, and Deir Baalba, and the besieged towns of Talbisa
and Rastan. Electricity and all forms of communication are
still cut off. Security crackdown operations are still
on-going in the neighbourhoods of Deir Baalba, Bayada,
Khaldiya, and Qosur, which include murder, arbitrary
arrests, theft, sabotage, house-to-house searches, and
torching of homes. Warplanes still fly low over Homs and its
suburbs to scare its residents. Nonetheless, demonstrators
still manage to take to the streets in the neighbourhoods of
Jorat Shayah, Qarabis, Deir Baalba, Bab Sbaa, Hamra, Ghouta,
Inshaat, Baba Amr, Jab Jandali, Jorat Arayes, Shammas, Karm
Zaytoun, Nazhin, and Waar, as well as the towns of Palmyra,
Houleh and Qasir.
The creativity of the residents of Homs remains unabated as
for the first time ever, a demonstration went out on
motorcycles and circled the city quickly before security
forces had enough time to react.
In Hama, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) attacked the Jesr
Mezareb road block, and security patrols in the Sabuniya and
Qosur, inflicting heavy damages in the ranks of Assad’s
militiamen. Recently though, the regime had been manning the
checkpoints with army conscripts instead of Assad militiamen
as it knows the FSA will not target the army, and because
Assad’s mercenaries are not ready for confrontations and
On another note, with the discovery of mass graves in Homs,
Daraa, Damascus, and Hama, Assad’s henchmen started hiding
the corpses of the fallen in a new way, as it started
transferring the bodies to the port of Lattakia to be
shipped to the Mediterranean and sunk in large heavy
containers. |