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Press Release
Syrian National Council Press Release on Human Rights Day
Sunday, 11 December 2011
The 10th of December marks the anniversary of Human
Rights Day, which was adopted in the United Nation’s Universal
Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
It seems today, 63 years after the declaration, that the UN is unable to
force the Syrian regime to stop killing its innocent citizens and
shedding their blood in front of the whole world. Therefore, we appeal
to the Arab world and the free people of the world to stand by human
rights and the fight for dignity the finest features of which the Syrian
people are defining with their pure blood.
We want to remind the world of the most basic human rights principles of
which our people have been deprived for nearly half a century. We are
persistent and determined in looking to the dawn of freedom of our
people, which will soon emerge from the darkness of tyranny and
oppression to achieve human dignity and regain the authority of the
people. This is because the people, as the universal declaration of
human rights confirms, “are the source of all authority, and any power
of individuals and a group of people that does not come from the people
is corrupt power.”
The people of Syria have been deprived for decades of their liberty, the
right of expression, and the right to resist oppression and tyranny.
Human dignity was wasted under the pretext of stability and fake
resistance. The Syrian people’s public rights were confiscated in favor
of glorifying the leaders who have consistently deified themselves, and
have not hesitated to kill, torture, detain, and deport to ensure
continuation of their corrupt power that took away the interests of
humans in favor of a criminal group.
The number of fallen heroes killed so far during the Syrian Revolution
has reached more than five thousands and the number of detainees reached
more than fifteen thousands, in addition to thousands of wounded,
missing, and refugees in nearby nations. Among the fallen heroes and
detainees there are hundreds of women and children.
Through this peaceful revolution that was launched for human rights, our
Syrian people have become besieged, wanted, and deprived of basic rights
and the simplest human life elements and needs. Nevertheless, the Syrian
people are continuing in the path of the revolution of freedom, dignity,
and humanity despite the pain and atrocities committed, especially in
the governorate of Homs.
The Syrian National Council confirms on this special day the Council’s
main demand and the demand of the Syrian people of the need for work by
powerful Arab and international organizations and commissions to
pressure the Security Council to adopt a decision for the protection of
civilians and to continue isolating the Syrian regime, and to work
quickly toward relieving those stricken in besieged Syrian cities and in
refugee camps.
more information or commentary, please
Ausama Monajed, member of the Syrian National
amonajed@gmail.com |