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Thursday, 24 Nov 2011
The Syrian National Council
meets with the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and the EU High
Representative of Foreign Affairs
French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppé, received on Wednesday, the 23rd of
November, a Syrian National Council delegation, headed by Dr. Burhan
Ghalioun. The talks dealt with the developments in Syria, including the
French position. The delegation expressed gratitude to the French
minister on the efforts by France to alleviate the suffering of the
Syrian people and the leading role of France in working with
international organizations to isolate the Syrian regime. The French
Minister promised to continue pressing on the Syrian regime to stop the
massacres it is committing against the unarmed people of Syria. The
minister also provided a summary of the efforts that France has
undertaken to obtain a UN resolution condemning the repressive practices
of the regime and opening the way for mechanisms to protect civilians,
which is the main demand of the Syrian National Council.
the debate over the possibility of sending international observers to
protect civilians, the French minister noted the resentment of Arab and
European countries of the unresponsiveness of the Syrian regime to any
initiatives regarding this matter, which is what is pushing the
international community to consider other mechanisms, in light of the
increasingly deteriorating humanitarian condition in some places, like
Homs. The two sides searched for a possibility of finding safe outlets
to deliver humanitarian assistance to stricken areas, which are the
target of operations of repression and torture by the regime’s security
and Shabiha (armed state-hired civilians). These safe outlets would be
consistent with legal international principles that hold the
international community responsible of protecting civilians. The
delegation also briefed the French minister of the Council’s tireless
efforts, through the Arab League, to complete its structural
organization and present its vision for the transitional period, which
includes Bashar al-Assad stepping down and a peaceful transition of
power to a transitional government that leads the country to a
democratic pluralistic system. During a press conference that included
minister Juppé and Dr. Ghalioun, the French minister said that his
meeting with the Council’s delegation is recognition of the Council as a
legitimate entity with which the French government will deal during this
stage of the Syrian people’s struggle for their freedom and dignity.
Syrian National Council delegation, headed by Dr. Ghalioun, also met on
Tuesday, the 22nd of November with Catherine Asthon, the High
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
with the Chairman of the European Commission on Peace and Security, and
with representatives of the 27 member states in the European Union.
During these meetings, the most important issues about the Syrian
situation were discussed, starting from clarification of the Russian
position – following the Council’s visit to Russia – and the possibility
of developing this position and explanations thereof. The Arab position
was also discussed, where it was noted that the Europeans had expected
the united Arab position to influence the Russian and Chinese positions.
The Council’s delegation requested from Europe to find a solution to the
Syrian situation, as Europeans have had a long history of protecting
civilians and have the tools and techniques that enable them to play a
practical and direct role in this context with humanitarian aid and
medical assistance.
Representatives of the Union’s member states expressed their respect
for the great Syrian people who are continuously sacrificing their
lives. The representatives also expressed their support for tougher
sanctions against the regime. The National Council will present to the
European Union further proposals in this regard. All sides also
discussed some inquiries regarding the Council’s plan for toppling the
regime; putting in place safeguards to protect the rights of religious
and ethnic minorities; and the position regarding the Free Syrian Army
with the need to adhere to the peaceful nature of the Revolution and
only supporting operations that protect civilians (in Homs, for
example). The Council confirmed the importance of having the military
under the control of civilians in Syria in the future, and that the
Council is the political representative of the Free Syrian Army.
more information or commentary, please
Ausama Monajed, member of the Syrian National
amonajed@gmail.com |