ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


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Master in  Middle East Studies, Uppsala University-Sweden.




Roni Doumit Harb

This is not a joke, it is at this level the Iranian ministers are today

Believe it or not but the Iranian minister that had attended at a Geneva conference 2 months ago said to a question whether the Iranian nuclear development could be dangerous to the world, the minister replied:  Do you think that we, with our 6000 year history, we who make such beautiful carpets, with so many little knots per square centimetres, which people put on the soil, on the walls, who people collect, etc... Do you think we could be aggressive?

Excuse me Mr. Minister, even a child could have answered better and more diplomatic.

How does President Ahmadenijad choose his guys around his ayatollah table?

Well, he better do some thinking now, he will loose big time with such leaders around him. 

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