ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


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Master in  Middle East Studies, Uppsala University-Sweden.




Roni Doumit Harb

To our brother in the battle for the Liberation of our beloved Lebanon, the last general of a Lebanon without an occupation of the state of Lebanon.

0510 08

I’m addressing this letter to our beloved General Michel Aoun and to whom it may concern.

Dear General, I was through the nineties and most part of the twentieth century a strong supporter of the noble goals that the Aounists and later the Tayyar Watane Horr/ The Free Patriotic Movement fought for.

I even was a part of establishing the Free Patriotic Movement in Sweden in the hope of helping to liberate Lebanon from the Syrian Arabic Baath occupation of my Lebanon.

Today we can say that with the efforts of all free Lebanese all over the world this goal has being reached.

I have through the years admired your personality and your role as a leader and General, well sometimes maybe even as politician. I see you as a big brother and I did so when I first called you to Paris more than 3 years ago. As your little brother I allow myself to criticize you when needed and celebrate you when needed.

In the declaration of the new Party of the Free Patriotic Movement there are many things that I agree with and I support it and some things that I don’t agree with, but that is politics.

What is not necessary politics though are the first sentences that talk about our Lebanese history and identity and I’m not sure how the General got his information but this is not what the different universities teach in the free world and it is not what the common Christian Lebanese people, especially the youth, feel.

It is about being as Lebanese; Arabs when today’s Lebanese actually are not all Arabs.

I want to call on all the Lebanese Christian leaders to be proud of their history, and I mean their long history of thousands of years and not just the last 200 years or so.

Just like the Muslim Lebanese leaders know their history and are proud of it and they have all the right to be. The same mentality should be at the Christian Lebanese leader’s minds.

To the General and all the Lebanese Christian leaders I say:

Be proud of our Syriac Aramaic Lebanese identity on the Phoenician soil and stop drifting and switching to the side of the Arab identity. Our people are lost enough in their everyday life with all madness happening in Lebanon.

Let’s not fool each other and start to address the things the way they need to be addressed.

Our forefathers that died for our liberty through the years demand that from us so that their blood won’t be gone for nothing.

They died for the truth; let us at least live for the truth. 

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