ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


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Master in  Middle East Studies, Uppsala University-Sweden.




Roni Doumit Harb

Freedom in Lebanon, who can kill it?

In October 2005, the Lebanese freedom got silence. The Lebanese got a big chock, bigger than the other chocks they had been having every since and then.

One of Lebanon’s most famous reporters, May Chidiac was close to loose her life in an assassination attempt through explosives put under her seat in her car.

May survived but lost parts of her body. After this ugly event freedom in Lebanon were never the same. Reporters started to swallow half of the truth; journalists write only what suit the corrupted leaders. TV, radio stations and newspapers are closing down one after one.

The people of Lebanon have been living ever since in a dark age, filled with dictatorship and fear. One must turn his head around every time he need to express his or her opinion. 

Lebanon has turned to be like the other dictator countries with their censorship laws that forbid you from everything that is not in the line of the high leaders.

It is a sad picture we are seeing. Goodbye dear free Lebanon.

What you just read is the scenario that the terrorists want to have in Lebanon.

But guess what! They are sooooooo wrong.

The Lebanese people didn’t react like that on the many explosions in the country. After May Chidiac´s assassination attempt they had an opposite reaction. To my dear brothers trying to terrorise my people and country I say: you better stop now if you want to have a single day of peace in your life. We, the Lebanese are going after you this time. We, the Lebanese have got immune against your explosive materials. Our people are taking your bombs with their heads high and we are continuing to walk tall.

Marwan Hmede to Elias Murr and now May Chidiac, all have taken your bombs and risen from them with a better spirit and a stronger will to fight, fight the battle for Lebanon’s freedom and liberty.

What made Lebanon the freest nation in the Middle East through the decades and centuries won’t some coward terrorists end in a few months. Our TVs will continue to broadcast freedom, our newspapers and magazines will continue writing freedom, our publishers will continue to publish freedom, our radios will continue to speak freedom and people on the streets will continue to live their freedom the way they like as they have always done.

You, the terrorists will never tire us out, be sure of that. 

We will indeed tire you and your bosses. BE SURE OF THAT.

God bless our heroes in Lebanon standing up for their believes every day and every night through the years.

The light is here soon, the truth will be reached and every criminal will get the penalty he or she deserve. You can be sure of that.

Have patients my brothers and sisters!

The Mehlis report will come out very soon. 

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