ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


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Master in  Middle East Studies, Uppsala University-Sweden.




Roni Doumit Harb

Another year and we are waiting for Aboun Albert Sherfen


A treasure was stolen from the Church on the 13th of October 1990.

Father Albert Sherfen was brutally taken by Arab Syrian soldiers and has been away since then.

How long will your family wait to hear your voice and feel safe with you?

How long will your friends wait to shake your hand and hug you?

How long will the stones of your Church be cold waiting for you to warm them?

How long will the bell wait until you come back and ring it every Sunday?

How long will empty papers wait until you once again fill them with your poems?

How long will the instruments wait for u to give them new melodies?

They took you from your Church but they could never take you from peoples memories and hearts. The struggle of your release started the day you were taken and is still continuing until Today. We are many behind you and we are stubborn and we are eager to see you any day soon.

We pray to God almighty that you are ok wherever you are. God bless you and all the living martyrs that gave everything they could, just to see the land of the Cedars, the Free Lebanon standing tall.

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