ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


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Master in  Middle East Studies, Uppsala University-Sweden.




Roni Doumit Harb

There is no 14 and 8 of March, there is before and after the 1559


The Lebanese people don’t know what to think anymore, leaders that were in a certain line yesterday are today 180 degrees in the other direction. Some leaders are changing their views every day. People can’t differ anymore between the good guy and the bad guy.

Some Leaders are dealing with the Lebanese situation as if it was entirely local and some deals as it is a regional crisis and some as it is a world matter.

The answer according to the Lebanese lobby organizations in the world is that the situation in Lebanon today is 100 % an international matter.

How can some parties say that the problem is about internal reforms and how can other parties say their politic is completely following a Lebanese agenda when everyone knows this is wrong. This is pure lies.


With all respect to the political analyzers in and outside Lebanon, the honest and the bribed ones. The conflict in Lebanon seems to be very complicated but it can also be seen as very simple.

 Between 1990 and 2005 Lebanon had an Arab Syrian occupation. Lebanon was divided between pro and anti Syrian occupation. (This occupation was called many things, such as Syrian presence and Syrian hegemony). The anti occupation struggle was mainly made by the Christian parties and leaders. Among the big names we can mention are the movements of former general Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea inside Lebanon and the big majority of the Lebanese organizations outside Lebanon.

 Eventually the Druze party of Walid Jumblat joined this opposition and in the end of 2004 the biggest Sunni parliamentarian group entered this struggle with the late leader Rafic Hariri resigning from the government and entering the opposition.

 All this was happening in the same time as the Lebanese lobby in the world were working on getting the super powers and the United Nations to put more efforts on Lebanon. The resolution that was finally taken by the UNSC got the number 1559. This resolution that aim at helping Lebanon to get rid of all foreign armies and all Lebanese and non Lebanese militias so that the regular army could take over and protect the Lebanese territories.  When R. Hariri was murdered in February 2005 the streets got full of angry Sunnis and very soon they were joined by all kind of Christian groups and Druze’s. Many Shiite were among the crowds but not representing any big movements. After a month of protests in central Beirut and when up to 1, 5 millions gathered in the Freedom square the Cedars Revolution was a fact. In this time, parallel with the Cedar revolution demonstrations Lebanon was seeing another crowd. The crowd of the many people opposing the withdrawal of the Syrian army. This demonstration held in Riad Solh square was mainly led by Hezballa including parties such, Amal, Baath, Syrian Social Nationalist Party, Nasserite, different so called leftist organizations together with a big amount of Palestinians taken from the refugee camps and Syrian workers in Lebanon. The parties in the Cedars Revolution formed a coalition called 14 of March while the others formed one called 8 of March. 

 In summer 2005 a new parliament election was held and it produced a majority of anti Syrian occupation parliament members. Still the Pro Syrians got enough seats to form a strong minority of 1/3 in the parliament. Those seats were mostly representing the Shiites because of the hegemony Hezballa and Amal has in this community.

The normal way things should have gone is that the government, the parliament, the presidency should one after one be cleared from the Syrian hegemony.

1. The people of Lebanon were able to change government and get a majority of parliament but no full control over them because inside the government sat a strong Pro Syrian minority and the head of parliament were still the leader of Amal and strong ally to Syria. The Pro Syrian president was also hard to change and all attempts to elect a new one got in the end to the fact that if Syria is not happy there will be no president.

 All the Syrian allies were and are still the same with one exception, the former general Aoun. Aoun that leads the Free Patriotic Movement went to the elections as the saviour of Lebanon and as one of the greatest resistance leaders against the Syrian hegemony in Lebanon. Today all his allies are in the Pro Syrian agenda in Lebanon.

 Between the 8 and the 14 of March coalitions the Lebanese are lost and more than half of the population of Lebanon are neither supporting the first nor the second one.

 Lebanon needs new leaders that has no bloody history, unfortunately all political leaders in Lebanon today has corruption stories and blood in their CVs.

 The 1559 put Lebanon again on the map and got most of the Syrian army out of Lebanon. The Lebanese Lobby around the world continues to work for the full implementation so that the country can see better days in the near future.

 God Bless Free Lebanon 

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