ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


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Master in  Middle East Studies, Uppsala University-Sweden.




Roni Doumit Harb

The Orange of Aoun, is that what the struggle was all about?


When people go to war they usually have a noble cause to defend. They have a struggle that is bigger than themselves and that is why their lives become less important in the name of the cause or the struggle.

Same thing was happening to the people gathered around the former General Michel Aoun.

People believed in the national speeches. They believed in symbols that were part of their identities.

People fought, they cried, they got hurt, some got killed, some got imprisoned, some got beaten, some got tortured, some are still missing, some lost their job, some left the country and so on. They faced all that with a smile and pure heart because they knew that the goal is much bigger than them, the goal of liberating Lebanon. That is it, the only thing that were driving those guys and girls through the 1990th until the year 2005 was the love of Lebanon and to liberate it from the Arab Syrian occupation.

 Then suddenly the orange came, what is orange? Why is it orange?

Is that a secret code for how to take over the country? Or how to collaborate with the former occupation forces. Maybe it is simply a bad copy of the orange revolution in Ukraine.

Well, let me tell people this. If the Lebanese people want and need a revolution than there is one already started and everybody are welcome to join and make it bigger. It is the Cedars revolution, the unique revolution of Lebanon.

 What does the orange colour have to do with our struggle through the years and the blood spilled from our martyrs...

 I cannot understand, how such a stupid symbol can get people to feel so strong for it.

I can’t understand, maybe you understand...I hope you are not just a follower. Nobody is worth it. You as a Lebanese citizen have to start think about Lebanon first. Let us just for a couple of years stop be bothered by the Arab ideologists and really work for a Lebanese Lebanon.

Long Live the Free and Living pluralistic Lebanese Lebanon


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