ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East

Reform party of Syria

حزب الإصلاح السوري

US says Syria must withdraw its troops from Lebanon

Washington DC, October 9, 2004 /RPS News/ - A senior US official said on Friday that Syria must comply with UN resolution 1559, and withdraw all of its troops from Lebanon.

"Syria must end its interference in Lebanese internal affairs, immediately withdraw all its forces from Lebanon and allow the Lebanese armed forces and government to establish their authority throughout Lebanon," said State Department spokesman Richard Boucher at a news briefing.

The US is committed to full implementation of Resolution 1559, and is working with the UN Security Council to achieve this purpose, Boucher said. This after UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called on Thursday for Syria to abide by the Security Council Resolution 1559 and withdraw its troops from Lebanon.

Syria has not complied by Resolution 1559. Some 3,000 Syrian army troops have been redeployed to give the appearance of a withdrawal but the international community is keeping up the pressure and is not impressed by Syria's latest actions. 

 Reform Party of Syria

Statements by Indyk are Denied

Washington DC, October 8, 2004/RPS News/ -- According to al-Sharq al-Awsat, a daily Saudi owned newspaper, Syrian Officials are "surprised" by the statements that appeared in the press related to Martin Indyk, head of Saban Center at the Brookings.

The committee responsible for the American-Syrian relations added that this is not the first time that Indyk misinterprets statements made by Baschar al-Assad.

The Associated Press reported that Martin Indyk, a former senior State Department official, had a three-hour long meeting with Syria’s Bashar Assad, last month.  During this encounter, Assad apparently suggested that he is willing to discuss a serious peace offer with Israel, and wants to cooperate with the United States in stabilizing Iraq.

Reform Party of Syria

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