ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


المجلس الأمريكي للمنظمات اللبنانية


Founded in 1989 to serve the USA and Lebanon.


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March 03, 2005                                                                                                       PR050303

CLAO Is Thankful To President Bush, 
The US Administration And Congress

The Council Of Lebanese American Organizations (CLAO) is grateful to President Bush for repeating his demand calling for the Syrian troops and intelligence network to withdraw, ending the Syrian occupation of Lebanon. The President’s firm policy in support of democracy is effective and is without a doubt allowing the free, democratic, sovereign, and independent Lebanon dream to be realized.

CLAO is indebted to the US House Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, for H. CON. RES. 18, which expresses the grave concern of Congress regarding the continuing gross violations of human rights and civil liberties of the Syrian and Lebanese people by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic; and for H. CON. RES. 32, which expresses the grave concern of Congress regarding the occupation of the Republic of Lebanon by the Syria.

For three decades, Syria has successfully evaded the scrutiny we have applied to other terrorist supporting nations. CLAO strongly and resolutely believes that the Syrian totalitarian Ba’ath regime must be held accountable for its atrocities, sponsorship of terrorism, brutal occupation of Lebanon, harboring members of the Iraqi-Ba’ath regime, jeopardizing the lives of the coalition forces of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and for obstructing peace in the Middle East while preventing the occupied country of Lebanon from participating in a regional peace settlement, no less than was the case with Saddam’s Ba’ath regime, which met its suitable and well-deserved end.

Go Freedom Seeking Lebanese – Liberation is near 

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