ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


المجلس الأمريكي للمنظمات اللبنانية


Founded in 1989 to serve the USA and Lebanon.


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September 23, 2004                                                                                                PR 040923


Occupation Must End – Syrian Redeployment Won’t Do


The UN Security Council resolution 1559 clearly states that all foreign forces must fully withdraw from Lebanon. The latest Syrian redeployment is insufficient and is merely a maneuver, violating the resolution, and will surely be rejected by the free world as much as the freedom seeking Lebanese rejects it. The time is running out for the Syrian regime to fully and unconditionally withdraw its occupation troops and intelligence from Lebanon. Furthermore, the Syrian-installed Lebanese regime must realize that ruling against the will of the people will no longer go by unaccountable.


The Council of Lebanese American Organizations (CLAO) is grateful to the U.S., U.K., and France that have made it clear that Syria is expected to withdraw its occupation forces and that the redeployment won’t do. Again, CLAO strongly advises the Syrian dictator regime to abide by the requirements stated in resolution 1559 and not to defy the will of the free world. In this occasion, CLAO would like to refer to its open letter to president Assad dated May 1, 2003, in which CLAO proposed to Mr. Assad the following:


1.      To immediately and unconditionally disarm your arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and turning over all such weapons that your Baath regime has supposedly received from the now deposed Iraqi Baath regime.


2.      To immediately halt the smuggling of your terrorist fighters and arms to Iraq as well as to give up your strategy of inflicting casualties on the Coalition forces.


3.      To give up your sponsorship of terrorist organizations.


4.      To handover all Syrian-hosted members of the Iraqi Baath regime to the Coalition forces.


5.      To immediately implement UN resolution 520 that calls for all foreign armies to withdraw from Lebanon: The Syrian Army, its Intelligence Services and all its military proxies. In conjunction, all the Syrian sponsored armed groups and private militias in Lebanon...


6.      To discontinue your opposition to the Lebanese army’s immediate deployment throughout the whole country and most notably Southern Lebanon in natural exercise of the Lebanese government sovereignty and in fulfillment of its obligations.


7.      To discontinue your support of the Syrian-installed oppressive Lebanese government, paving the way for an internationally recognized interim Lebanese government that would have the role to prepare for internationally supervised free and fair elections.


Furthermore, in the same letter, CLAO urged the Syrian president to seriously consider the above proposal, which should prove helpful to Syria. Moreover, CLAO added: “Massacres, terror, and oppression that your people and the occupied Lebanese have experienced at your regime’s hands are unwise and unethical. There are better ways to rule a nation.  If you don’t embrace change, the forces of freedom could overwhelm your outdated regime.  And your fate could be the same as that of your neighbor’s.  You and your regime could be ousted!”


Out of concerns, CLAO calls on the Syrian Regime to have mercy on the Syrian people by fulfilling Syria’s obligations under International Laws. Time is running out!  

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