ArDO: Yes we want Lebanon to be the Switzerland of the East and Beirut the Paris of the East


Freinds of Telelumiere in Sweden had the hounor to on friday the 12th of october 2007 to arrange a recital mixed of groups from most Middle Eastern churches in Sweden. Their were many organizations presence, among them the Aramaic Democratic Organization, the SUA - SOMEC, the Lebanese Forces and many more...

Josef Saouk, Head of Telelumieres freinds organization in Sweden

Our united fathers with Aboun George Rahme

The host of the evening, Mr. Pierre Saouk

The Aramaic Democratic Organization among the first ones that arrived to the event

SUA President Mr. Gabriel Marawge talk about Aboun Rahmes book

Our veteran father, Aboun Josef Said gives a poem to our guest Aboun George Rahme

Some of the church quires giving their best in this blessed night

Some of the church quires giving their best in this blessed night

The gospel singer Charbel opend the evening with Shlom Lekh Mariam

Vivian continue and bless us with her God given voice

Youth from different churches unite in the Aramaic gospel

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