ايار 1983 بين لبنان واسرائيل
اتفاق بين حكومة الجمهورية اللبنانية وحكومة دولة إسرائيل
خلدة، كريات شمونة، 17 / 5 / 1983
إن حكومة جمهورية لبنان و حكومة دولة إسرائيل
إدراكا منهما لأهمية وتعزيز السلام الدولي القائم على الحرية
والمساواة والعدالة واحترام حقوق الإنسان الأساسية،
تأكيداً لايمانهما بأهداف شرعة الأمم المتحدة ومبادئها وإقرارا
بحقهما وواجبهما في العيش بسلام مع بعضهما ومع جميع الدول داخل
حدود آمنة ومعترف بها،
بناء على اتفاقهما على إعلان إنهاء حالة الحرب بينهما،
رغبة منهما في إقامة أمن دائم ما بين بلديهما وتلافي التهديد
واستعمال القوة فيما بينهما،
رغبة منهما في إقامة علاقاتهما المتبادلة وفقا لما نص عليه هذا
وبعد ان زودتا مندوبيهما المفوضين الموقعين أدناه بصلاحيات مطلقة
لتوقيع هذا الاتفاق، بحضور ممثل الولايات المتحدة الأميركية،
إتفقتا على الأحكام الآتية:
المادة 1
- يتعهد كل من الفريقين باحترام سيادة الفريق الآخر واستقلاله
السياسي وسلامة أراضيه، ويعتبر أن الحدود الدولية القائمة بين لبنان
وإسرائيل غير قابلة للانتهاك.
- يؤكد الفريقان أن حالة الحرب بين لبنان وإسرائيل أنهيت ولم تعد
- عملا بأحكام الفقرتين الأولى والثانية، تتعهد اسرائيل بأن تسحب
قواتها المسلحة من لبنان وفقا لملحق هذا الاتفاق.
المادة 2
في ضوء مبادئ ميثاق الأمم المتحدة والقانون الدولي، يتعهد الفريقان
بتسوية خلافاتهما بالوسائل السلمية وبطريقة تؤدي الى تعزيز العدالة،
والسلام والأمن الدوليين.
المادة 3
رغبة في توفير الحد الأقصى من الأمن للبنان ولإسرائيل، يقيم
الفريقان ويطبقان ترتيبات أمنية، بما في ذلك إنشاء منطقة أمنية، وفقا
لما هو منصوص عليه في ملحق هذا الاتفاق.
المادة 4
- لا تستعمل أراضي أي من الفريقين قاعدة لنشاط عدائي أو إرهابي ضد
الفريق الآخر، أو ضد شعبه.
- يحول كل فريق دون وجود أو إنشاء قوات غير نظامية أو عصابات مسلحة،
أو منظمات أو قواعد أو مكاتب أو هيكلية تشمل أهدافها أو غاياتها
الإغارة على أراضي الفريق الآخر أو القيام بأي عمل إرهابي داخل هذه
الأراضي، أو أي نشاط يهدف الى تهديد أو تعريض أمن الفريق الآخر أو
سلامة شعبه للخطر. لهذه الغاية، تصبح لاغية وغير ملزمة جميع
الاتفاقات والترتيبات التي تسمح ضمن أراضي أي من الفريقين بوجود
وعمل عناصر معادية للفريق الآخر.
- مع الاحتفاظ بحقه الطبيعي في الدفاع عن النفس وفقا للقانون
الدولي، يمتنع كل من الفريقين:
أ ) عن القيام أو الحث أو المساعدة أو الاشتراك في تهديدات أو أعمال
حربية أو هدامة، أو تحريضية أو عدوانية أو الحث عليها ضد الفريق
الآخر، أو ضد سكانه أو ممتلكاته، سواء داخل أراضيه أو انطلاقاً منها،
أو داخل أراضي الفريق الآخر.
ب ) عن استعمال أراضي الفريق الآخر لشن هجوم عسكري ضد أراضي دولة
ج ) عن التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية أو الخارجية للفريق الآخر.
- يتعهد كل من الفريقين باتخاذ التدابير الوقائية والإجراءات
القانونية بحق الأشخاص والمجموعات التي ترتكب أعمالا مخالفة لأحكام
هذه المادة.
المادة 5
إنسجاماً منهما مع إنهاء حالة الحرب يمتنع كل فريق، في إطار انظمته
الدستورية، عن أي شكل من أشكال الدعاوة المعادية للفريق الآخر.
المادة 6
فيما عدا حق العبور البريء وفقا للقانون الدولي، يمنع كل فريق دخول
أرضه أو الانتشار عليها أو عبورها لقوات عسكرية أو معدات أو تجهيزات
عسكرية عائدة لأية دولة معادية للفريق الآخر، بما في ذلك مجاله
الجوي وبحره الإقليمي.
المادة 7
باستثناء ما هو منصوص عليه في هذا الاتفاق وبناء على طلب الحكومة
اللبنانية وموافقتها، ليس هناك ما يحول دون انتشار قوات دولية على
الأرض اللبنانية لمؤازرة الحكومة اللبنانية في تثبيت سلطتها. ويتم
اختيار الدول المساهمة الجديدة في هذه القوات من بين الدول التي
تقيم علاقات دبلوماسية مع الفريقين.
المادة 8
أ ) عند دخول هذا الاتفاق حيز التنفيذ، ينشئ الفريقان لجنة اتصال
مشتركة تبدأ ممارسة وظائفها من وقت انشائها وتكون الولايات المتحدة
الأمير كيه فيها مشاركا. يعهد الى هذه اللجنة بالاشراف على تنفيذ هذا
الاتفاق في جميع جوانبه.وفيما يخص القضايا ذات العلاقة بالترتيبات
الأمنية، تعالج هذه اللجنة المسائل غير المفصول بها والمحالة اليها
من قبل لجنة الترتيبات الأمنية المنشأة بموجب الفقرة (ج) أدناه.
تتخذ اللجنة قراراتها بالإجماع.
ب ) تهتم لجنة الاتصال المشتركة بصورة متواصلة بتطوير العلاقات
المتبادلة بين لبنان وإسرائيل، بما في ذلك ضبط حركة البضائع
والمنتوجات والأشخاص، والمواصلات الخ.
ج ) في إطار لجنة الاتصال المشتركة تنشأ لجنة الترتيبات الأمنية
المحدد تشكيلها ووظائفها في ملحق هذا الاتفاق.
د ) يمكن إنشاء لجان للجنة الاتصال المشتركة حينما تدعو الحاجة.
هـ ) تجتمع لجنة الاتصال المشتركة في لبنان وإسرائيل دوريا.
و ) لكل من الفريقين، إذا رغب في ذلك، وما لم يحصل أي اتفاق على
تغيير الوضع القانوني، أن ينشئ مكتب اتصال على أراض الفريق الآخر،
للقيام بالمهام المذكورة أعلاه في إطار لجنة الاتصال المشتركة
وللمؤازرة في تنفيذ هذا الاتفاق.
ز ) يرئس أعضاء كل فريق في لجنة الاتصال المشتركة موظف حكومي رفيع
ح ) تكون جميع الشؤون الأخرى المتعلقة بمكاتب الاتصال هذه،
وبموظفيها، وكذلك بالموظفين التابعين لأي من الفريقين والموجودين
على أرض الفريق الآخر لسبب ذي صلة بتنفيذ هذا الاتفاق، موضوع
برتوكول يعقد بين الفريقين ضمن لجنة الاتصال المشتركة، وبانتظار عقد
هذا البروتوكول تعامل مكاتب الاتصال والموظفون المشار اليهم وفقا
للأحكام المتصلة بهذا الموضوع المنصوص عليها في اتفاقية الأحكام
المتعلقة بالامتيازات والحصانات. وهذا دون المساس بموقف الفريقين من
تلك الاتفاقية.
- خلال فترة الستة أشهر التالية لانسحاب القوات المسلحة الإسرائيلية
من لبنان وفقا للمادة الأولى من هذا الاتفاق، وبعد الاعادة
المتزامنة لبسط السلطة الحكومية اللبنانية على طول الحدود الدولية
بين لبنان وإسرائيل، في ضوء إنهاء حالة الحرب، يشرع الفريقان، في
إطار لجنة الاتصال المشتركة، بالتفاوض، بنيه حسنة، بغية عقد اتفاقات
حول حركة السلع والمنتجات والأشخاص وتنفيذها على أساس غير تمييزي.
المادة 9
- يتخذ كل من الفريقين، في مهلة لا تتعدى عاما واحدا من دخول هذا
الاتفاق حيز التنفيذ، جميع الاجراءات اللازمة لإلغاء المعاهدات
والقوانين والأنظمة التي تعتبر متعارضة مع هذا الاتفاق، وذلك وفقا
للأصول الدستورية المتبعة لدى كل من الفريقين.
- يتعهد الفريقان بعدم تنفيذ أية التزامات قائمة تتعارض مع هذا
الاتفاق وبعدم الالتزام بأي موجب أو اعتماد قوانين أو أنظمة تتعارض
مع هذا الاتفاق.
- يتم إبرام هذا الاتفاق من قبل الفريقين طبقا للأصول الدستورية لدى
كل منهما، ويسري مفعوله من تاريخ تبادل وثائق الإبرام، ويحل محل
الاتفاقيات السابقة بين لبنان وإسرائيل.
- تعتبر جزءا لا يتجزأ من هذا الاتفاق كل المرفقات له ( الملحق
والذيل، والخريطة والمحاضر التفسيرية المتفق عليها).
- يمكن تعديل هذا الاتفاق أو تنقيحه أو استبداله برضى الفريقين.
- تجري تسوية الخلافات الناجمة عن تفسير هذا الاتفاق أو تطبيقة
بطريقة التفاوض ضمن لجنة الاتصال المشتركة. وكل خلاف من هذا النوع
تعذرت تسويته بهذه الطريقة يجري طرحه للتوفيق. وإذا لم يحل، يصار
إلى إخضاعه لإجراء يتفق عليه للفصل فيه بصورة نهائية.
يبلغ هذا الاتفاق إلى أمانة الأمم المتحدة لتسجيله وفقا لأحكام
المادة 102 من ميثاق الأمم المتحدة.
حرر في خلدة وكريات شمونة في اليوم السابع عشر من أيار 1983 على ثلاث
نسخ بأربعة نصوص رسمية باللغات العربية والعبرية والانكليزية
والفرنسية. في حال أي اختلاف بالتفسير يعتمد على حد سواء النصان
الانكليزي والفرنسي.
عن حكومة الجمهورية اللبنانية
انطوان فتّال |
عن حكومة دولة إسرائيل
دايفيد كمحي |
the May 17, 1983, agreement between
Lebanon and Israel
Following Operation Peace for
Galilee, Israeli and Lebanese negotiators met to discuss a treaty
between the two countries. The delegations held over 35 sessions
alternatively in Khalde, Kiryat Shemona, and Netanya starting on 28
December 1982. The agreement was finally signed on 17 May 1983
following high-level US involvement including ten days of shuttle
diplomacy by Secretary of State Shultz. The main features of the
agreement include putting an end to the state of war between Israel
and Lebanon, a mechanism for cooperation and the establishment of an
Israeli consulate in Beirut. Although the agreement was signed it was
never ratified due to strong violent Syrian opposition to the treaty.
Text of the May 17, 1983,
between Lebanon and Israel
The Government of the State of
Israel and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon:
Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening
international peace based on freedom, equality, justice and respect
for fundamental human rights;
Reaffirming their faith in the aims and principles of the Charter of
the United Nations and recognizing their right and obligation to live
in peace with each other as well as with all states within secure and
recognized boundaries;
Having agreed to declare the termination of the state of war between
Desiring to ensure lasting security for both their States and to avoid
threats and the use of force between them;
Desiring to establish their mutual relations in the manner provided
for in this Agreement;
Having delegated their undersigned representative plenipotentiaries
provided with full powers in order to sign in the presence of the
representative of the United States of America this Agreement;
Have agreed to the following provisions:
1. The Parties agree and undertake to respect the sovereignty
political independence and territorial integrity of each other. They
consider the existing international boundary between Israel and
Lebanon inviolable.
2. The Parties confirm that the state of war between Israel and
Lebanon has been terminated and no longer exists.
3. Taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 Israel
undertakes to withdraw all its armed forces from Lebanon in accordance
with the Annex of the present Agreement.
The Parties being guided by the principles of the Charter of the
United Nations and of international law undertake to settle their
disputes by peaceful means in such a manner as to promote
international peace and security and justice.
In order to provide maximum security for Israel and Lebanon the
Parties agree to establish and implement security arrangements
including the creation of a Security Region as provided for in the
Annex of the present Agreement.
1. The territory of each Party will not be used as a base for hostile
or terrorist activity against the other Party its territory or its
2. Each Party will prevent the existence or organization of irregular
forces armed bands organizations bases offices or infrastructure the
aims and purposes of which include incursions or any act of terrorism
into the territory of the other Party or any other activity aimed at
threatening or endangering the security of the other Party and safety
of its people. To this end all agreements and arrangements enabling
the presence and functioning on the territory of either Party of
elements hostile to the other Party are null and void.
3. Without prejudice to the inherent right of self-defense in
accordance with international law each Party will refrain:
a. from organizing instigating assisting or participating in threats
or acts of belligerency subversion or incitement or any aggression
directed against the other Party its population or property both
within its territory and originating therefrom or in the territory of
the other Party.
b. from using the territory of the other Party for conducting a
military attack against the territory of a third state.
c. from intervening in the internal or external affairs of the other
4. Each Party undertakes to ensure that preventive action and due
proceedings will be taken against persons or organizations
perpetrating acts in violation of this Article.
Consistent with the termination of the state of war and within the
framework of their constitutional provisions the Parties will abstain
from any form of hostile propaganda against each other.
Each Party will prevent entry into deployment in or passage through
its territory its air space and subject to the right of innocent
passage in accordance with international law its territorial sea by
military forces armament or military equipment of any state hostile to
the other Party.
Except as provided in the present Agreement nothing will preclude the
deployment on Lebanese territory of international forces requested and
accepted by the Government of Lebanon to assist in maintaining its
authority. New contributors to such forces shall be selected from
among states having diplomatic relations with both Parties to the
present Agreement.
1. a. Upon entry into force of the present Agreement a Joint Liaison
Committee will be established by the Parties in which the United
States of America will be a participant and will commence its
functions. This Committee will be entrusted with the supervision of
the implementation of all areas covered by the present Agreement. In
matters involving security arrangements it will deal with unresolved
problems referred to it by the Security Arrangements Committee
established in subparagraph c. below. Decisions of this Committee will
be taken unanimously.
b. The Joint Liaison Committee will address itself on a continuing
basis to the development of mutual relations between Israel and
Lebanon inter alia the regulation of the movement of goods products
and persons communications etc.
c. Within the framework of the Joint Liaison Committee there will be a
Security Arrangements Committee whose composition and functions are
defined in the Annex of the present Agreement.
d. Subcommittees of the Joint Liaison Committee may be established as
the need arises.
e. The Joint Liaison Committee will meet in Israel and Lebanon
f. Each Party if it so desires and unless there is an agreed change of
status may maintain a liaison office on the territory of the other
Party in order to carry out the above-mentioned functions within the
framework of the Joint Liaison Committee and to assist in the
implementation of the present Agreement.
g. The members of the Joint Liaison Committee from each of the Parties
will be headed by a senior government official.
h. All other matters relating to these liaison offices their personnel
and the personnel of each Party present in the territory of the other
Party in connection with the implementation of the present Agreement
will be the subject of a protocol to be concluded between the Parties
in the Joint Liaison Committee. Pending the conclusion of this
protocol the liaison offices and the above-mentioned personnel will be
treated in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Convention
on Special Missions of December 8 1969 including those provisions
concerning privileges and immunities. The foregoing is without
prejudice to the positions of the Parties concerning that Convention.
2. During the six-month period after the withdrawal of all Israeli
armed forces from Lebanon in accordance with Article 1 of the present
Agreement and the simultaneous restoration of Lebanese governmental
authority along the international boundary between Israel and Lebanon
and in the light of the termination of the state of war the Parties
shall initiate within the Joint Liaison Committee bona fide
negotiations in order to conclude agreements on the movement of goods
products and persons and their implementation on a non-discriminatory
1. Each of the two Parties will take within a time limit of one year
as of entry into force of the present Agreement all measures necessary
for the abrogation of treaties laws and regulations deemed in conflict
with the present Agreement subject to and in conformity with its
constitutional procedures.
2. The Parties undertake not to apply existing obligations enter into
any obligations or adopt laws or regulations in conflict with the
present Agreement.
1. The present Agreement shall be ratified by both Parties in
conformity with their respective constitutional procedures. It shall
enter into force on the exchange of the instruments of ratification
and shall supersede the previous agreements between Israel and
2. The Annex the Appendix and the Map attached thereto and the Agreed
Minutes to the present Agreement shall be considered integral parts
3. The present Agreement may be modified amended or superseded by
mutual agreement of the Parties.
1. Disputes between the Parties arising out of the interpretation or
application of the present Agreement will be settled by negotiation in
the Joint Liaison Committee. Any dispute of this character not so
resolved shall be submitted to conciliation and if unresolved
thereafter to an agreed procedure for a definitive resolution.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 disputes arising out
of the interpretation or application of the Annex shall be resolved in
the framework of the Security Arrangements Committee and if unresolved
shall thereafter at the request of either Party be referred to the
Joint Liaison Committee for resolution through negotiation.
The present Agreement shall be communicated to the Secretariat of the
United Nations for registration in conformity with the provisions of
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Done at Kiryat Shmona and Khaldeh this seventeenth day of May 1983 in
triplicate in four authentic texts in the Hebrew Arabic English and
French languages. In case of any divergence of interpretation the
English and French texts will be equally authoritative.
David Kimche,
For the Government of the State of Israel
Antoine Fattal,
For the Government of the Republic of Lebanon
Witnessed by:
Morris Draper,
For the Government of the United States of America
1. Security Region:
a. A Security Region in which the Government of Lebanon undertakes to
implement the security arrangements agreed upon in this Annex is
hereby established.
b. The Security Region is bounded as delineated on the Map attached to
this Annex in the north by a line constituting "Line A" and in the
south and east by the Lebanese international boundary.
2. Security Arrangements
The Lebanese authorities will enforce special security measures aimed
at detecting and preventing hostile activities as well as the
introduction into or movement through the Security Region of
unauthorized armed men or military equipment. The following security
arrangements will apply equally throughout the Security Region except
as noted:
a. The Lebanese Army Lebanese Police Lebanese Internal Security Forces
and the Lebanese auxiliary forces (ANSAR) organized under the full
authority of the Government of Lebanon are the only organized armed
forces and elements permitted in the Security Region except as
designated elsewhere in this Annex. The Security Arrangements
Committee may approve the stationing in the Security Region of other
official Lebanese armed elements similar to ANSAR.
b. Lebanese Police Lebanese Internal Security Forces and ANSAR may be
stationed in the Security Region without restrictions as to their
numbers. These forces and elements will be equipped only with personal
and light automatic weapons and for the Internal Security Forces
armored scout or commando cars as listed in the Appendix.
c. Two Lebanese Army brigades may be stationed in the Security Region.
One will be the Lebanese Army Territorial Brigade stationed in the
area extending from the Israeli-Lebanese boundary to "Line B"
delineated on the attached Map. The other will be a regular Lebanese
Army brigade stationed in the area extending from "Line B" to "Line
A". These brigades may carry their organic weapons and equipment
listed in the Appendix. Additional units equipped in accordance with
the Appendix may be deployed in the Security Region for training
purposes including the training of conscripts or in the case of
operational emergency situations following coordination in accordance
with procedures to be established by the Security Arrangements
d. The existing local units will be integrated as such into the
Lebanese Army in conformity with Lebanese Army regulations. The
existing local civil guard shall be integrated into ANSAR and accorded
a proper status under Lebanese law to enable it to continue guarding
the villages in the Security Region. The process of extending Lebanese
authority over these units and civil guard under the supervision of
the Security Arrangements Committee shall start immediately after the
entry into force of the present Agreement and shall terminate prior to
the completion of the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.
e. Within the Security Region Lebanese Army units may maintain their
organic anti-aircraft weapons as specified in the Appendix. Outside
the Security Region Lebanon may deploy personal low and medium
altitude air defense missiles. After a period of three years from the
date of entry into force of the present Agreement the provision
concerning the area outside the Security Region may be reviewed by the
Security Arrangements Committee at the request of either Party.
f. Military electronic equipment in the Security Region will be as
specified in the Appendix. Deployment of ground radars within ten
kilometers of the Israeli-Lebanese boundary should be approved by the
Security Arrangements Committee. Ground radars throughout the Security
Region will be deployed so that their sector of search does not cross
the Israeli-Lebanese boundary. This provision does not apply to civil
aviation or air traffic control radars.
g. The provision mentioned in paragraph e. applies also to
anti-aircraft missiles on Lebanese Navy vessels. In the Security
Region Lebanon may deploy naval elements and establish and maintain
naval bases or other shore installations required to accomplish the
naval mission. The coastal installations in the Security Region will
be as specified in the Appendix.
h. In order to avoid accidents due to misidentification the Lebanese
military authorities will give advance notice of all flights of any
kind over the Security Region according to procedures to be determined
by the Security Arrangements Committee. Approval of these flights is
not required.
i. (l) The forces weapons and military equipment which may be
stationed stocked introduced into or transported through the Security
Region are only those mentioned in this Annex and its Appendix.
(2) No infrastructure auxiliary installations or equipment capable of
assisting the activation of weapons that are not permitted by this
Annex or its Appendix shall be maintained or established in the
Security Region.
(3) These provisions also apply whenever a clause of this Annex
relates to areas outside the Security Region.
3. Security Arrangements Committee
a. Within the framework of the Joint Liaison Committee a Security
Arrangements Committee will be established.
b. The Security Arrangements Committee will be composed of an equal
number of Israeli and Lebanese representatives headed by senior
officers. A representative of the United States of America will
participate in meetings of the Committee at the request of either
Party. Decisions of the Security Arrangements Committee will be
reached by agreement of the Parties.
c. The Security Arrangements Committee shall supervise the
implementation of the security arrangements in the present Agreement
and this Annex and the timetable and modalities as well as all other
aspects relating to withdrawals described in the present Agreement and
this Annex. To this end and by agreement of the Parties it will:
(l) Supervise the implementation of the undertakings of the Parties
under the present Agreement and this Annex.
(2) Establish and operate Joint Supervisory Teams as detailed below.
(3) Address and seek to resolve any problems arising out of the
implementation of the security arrangements in the present Agreement
and this Annex and discuss any violation reported by the Joint
Supervisory Teams or any complaint concerning a violation submitted by
one of the Parties.
d. The Security Arrangements Committee shall deal with any complaint
submitted to it not later than 24 hours after submission.
e. Meetings of the Security Arrangements Committee shall be held at
least once every two weeks in Israel and in Lebanon alternately. In
the event that either Party requests a special meeting it will be
convened within 2 hours. The first meeting will be held within 48
hours after the date of entry into force of the present Agreement.
f. Joint Supervisory Teams
(l) The Security Arrangements Committee will establish Joint
Supervisory Teams (Israel-Lebanon) subordinate to it and composed of
an equal number of representatives from each Party.
(2) The teams will conduct regular verification of the implementation
of the provisions of the security arrangement in the Agreement and
this Annex. The teams shall report immediately any confirmed
violations to the Security Arrangements Committee and ascertain that
violations have been rectified.
(3) The Security Arrangements Committee shall assign a Joint
Supervisory Team when requested to check border security arrangements
on the Israeli side of the international boundary in accord with
Article 4 of the present Agreement.
(4) The teams will enjoy freedom of movement in the air sea and land
as necessary for the performance of their tasks within the Security
(5) The Security Arrangements Committee will determine all
administrative and technical arrangements concerning the functioning
of the teams including their working procedures their number their
manning their armament and their equipment.
(6) Upon submission of a report to the Security Arrangements Committee
or upon confirmation of a complaint of either Party by the teams the
respective Party shall immediately and in any case not later than 24
hours from the report or the confirmation rectify the violation. The
Party shall immediately notify the Security Arrangements Committee of
the rectification. Upon receiving the notification the teams will
ascertain that the violation has been rectified.
(7) The Joint Supervisory Teams shall be subject to termination upon
90 days notice by either Party given at any time after two years from
the date of entry into force of the present Agreement. Alternative
verification arrangements shall be established in advance of such
termination through the Joint Liaison Committee. Notwithstanding the
foregoing the Joint Liaison Committee may determine at any time that
there is no further need for such arrangements.
g. The Security Arrangements Committee will ensure that practical and
rapid contacts between the two Parties are established along the
boundary to prevent incidents and facilitate coordination between
the forces on the terrain.
4. It is understood that the Government of Lebanon may request
appropriate action in the United Nations Security Council for one unit
of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to be
stationed in the Sidon area. The presence of this unit will lend
support to the Government of Lebanon and the Lebanese Armed Forces in
asserting governmental authority and protection in the Palestinian
refugee camp areas. For a period of 12 months the unit in the Sidon
area may send teams to the Palestinian refugee camp areas in the
vicinity of Sidon and Tyre to survey and observe if requested by the
Government of Lebanon following notification to the Security
Arrangements Committee. Police and security functions shall remain the
sole responsibility of the Government of Lebanon which shall ensure
that the provisions of the present Agreement shall be fully
implemented in these areas.
5. Three months after completion of the withdrawal of all Israeli
forces from Lebanon the Security Arrangements Committee will conduct a
full-scale review of the adequacy of the security arrangements
delineated in this Annex in order to improve them.
6. Withdrawal of Israeli Forces:
a. Within 8 to 12 weeks of the entry into force of the present
Agreement all Israeli forces will have been withdrawn from Lebanon.
This is consistent with the objective of Lebanon that all external
forces withdraw from Lebanon.
b. The Israel Defense Forces and the Lebanese Armed Forces will
maintain continuous liaison during the withdrawal and will exchange
all necessary information through the Security Arrangements Committee.
The Israel Defense Forces and the Lebanese Armed Forces will cooperate
during the withdrawal in order to facilitate the reassertion of the
authority of the Government of Lebanon as the Israeli armed forces